Walker County Messenger

Meeting minutes: Marsh House Board of Trustees


Marsh House Board of Trustees minutes of March 16, 2020, 5:30 p.m.

Present: David Boyle, Connie Forester, Joan Fowler by proxy, Mary McConnell by proxy, Davene Nichols, Jan Shattuck (by proxy), Sharleen Robinson. Proxies were to David Boyle.

David Boyle presided. Social distance was observed. The minutes of the Marsh House Board of Trustees for February 17, 2019, were unanimousl­y approved on a motion by Davene Nichols (1) and Joan Fowler (2).

The treasurer’s reports for February 2020 were received. The balance in the operating account at the end of February is $13,295.49 with no income and expenses of $300.00. In the Designated Funds Account, income was $0.00 with 0.00 expenses and a balance of 31,190.27.

Old Business

Review of building repair issues. Alex Baker Contractor has started repairs on the basement chimney foundation and should finish in a week or so.

We welcomed new board Sharleen Robinson, Jess Bookhart (not present). Connie Forester has spoken with Mrs. Virginia Rushing, retired middle school history teacher, who has agreed to join our board in September.

Presentati­on by Mr. David Aft, director of the Community Foundation of NWGA, relative to endowment management was postponed for a month or so.

Update of volunteer informatio­n for board members was filled out by those present.

Update on issues related to restoratio­n of landscape features removed during sewer project. Several meetings have been held with personnel from Talley Constructi­on (the contractor for the sewer project) and city personnel to explain what damage has been done to the landscape, to review the original landscape plan, and to review the protection­s in federal law of a national historic site. A motion was made by Connie Forester (1) and Davene Nichols (2) to replace the lost magnolia southwest of the house with a white oak (and some plantings of smaller trees such as saucier magnolia or redbud for color while the oak is maturing) under the guidance of Matt Searles, our volunteer arborist. Passed unanimousl­y. A second motion was made by Davene Nichols (1) and Connie Forester (2) to donate an easement to the city for future access to the buried sewer line to include a clause that any future disruption of the landscape would be completely restored to its original condition. Passed unanimousl­y. Legal documents would be prepared by the city and county attorneys and added to the property deed with signatures by the county and the historical society.

New business

The target date for reopening the house sometime in April for regular open hours was approved by consensus. It was also agreed to limit numbers in each tour to 20 for protection of the House.

There was a review of National Register of Historic Places Commitment and Protection­s for the Marsh House and the Chattooga Academy.

Work area reports

Administra­tion/house management. Telephone, security, and electrical service fully restored. Service fees were charged to the Marsh House.

Interpreta­tion. The applicatio­n for interprete­r/docent is on the website as is the applicatio­n for student intern for 2020-21.

Clayton Bell Scholarshi­p Reception, Sunday, March 22, 2:30-3:30 pm. We won’t have refreshmen­ts, and it will be brief with ten or fewer in attendance for hearing our student intern share her research project, which will be taped for future sharing. We will collect donations. Donations can also be made on the website (Marshhouse­oflafayett­e.org) with a note “Scholarshi­p Fund.” Some people may just drop off their donations without getting out of the car or mail to PO Box 722.

Building and grounds: Basement chimney repair is almost complete. Estimates are being sought on window inserts for UV protection

Next board meeting: Monday, April 27, 5:30 p.m., at the Welcome Center. Note change to 4th Monday. Respectful­ly submitted, David Boyle, recording


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