Wapakoneta Daily News

Keep Your Fork

- By Bethany Parsons

Hey y’all! Since it is the first day of March, I wanted to begin my cooking article with explaining to you why I chose to title it “Keep Your Fork”. I completed a Bible study on 1 Corinthian­s 2:9 sometime ago where I titled it “Keep Your Fork”. When having a meal, especially when out to dinner, most of the time we place our fork on a plate when we are finished. When they come around to take the plate from the table, they ask if you would like to keep your fork. The typical answer is, “no ma’am, I’m good”. Then, before we leave, they offer up some sort of delicious desert; chocolate cake, New York cheesecake, strawberry shortcake. For Adam, it is always the plain New York cheesecake. For myself, it is always homemade blackberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream. Without a second thought, the server brings a second fork or spoon so that we can enjoy our delicious sweet treat at the end. Life is the same way. We work so hard to do what the Lord has asked of us in the Good Book, and He has promised that He has something much greater stored up for us if we live a life that He has called us to live. If we “keep our fork”, there is always something much better waiting for us.

While Adam’s treat of choice is plain New York cheesecake, his favorite homemade sweet treat is Better Than Sex Cake. When I need to tone it down, I call it Robert Redford Cake. (I will share that the girls at church just simply call it “sex cake”). It is my most requested desert. I get asked to bring this cake every month to our work meetings, church carry-ins, and I even make it when I am just needing some chocolate! It’s also Callie-ann’s best friend’s favorite cake and she hates chocolate! I wanted to share this recipe with you, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as my family and friends do. Be sure to keep your fork!

Better Than Sex Cake

Prepackage­d Chocolate Cake of your choice

1 large tub of Cool Whip

1 package of Toffee Bits & Brickle 1 bottle of caramel ice cream topping 1 can of sweetened condensed milk

Prepare the chocolate cake as directed on the package. (I prefer to use triple chocolate cake). As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, use a large straw or other kitchen tool to poke holes over the entire cake. The closer together the more moist the cake will be. While warm, pour the entire can of sweetened condensed milk over the full cake. Then, pour the entire bottle of ice cream caramel over the cake as well. Make sure to get the sweetened condensed milk and caramel into the holes so that it soaks in really well!

Once the cake is completely cooled, smooth a layer of Cool Whip on top. I use a little more than half of a large tub, some people don’t like as much. Use as much or as little as you wish. To finish it off, sprinkle toffee on top. I cover it completely to get a little crunch in each bite.

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