Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Lincoln Car Show Brings Back Senior Center Memories

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

This Saturday is the annual Chicken Rod Nationals Car show, and just as important is the traditiona­l breakfast served in the Senior Center. When these events happen, it takes me back in time, some 20 years ago, when the Center was in the old building across the street, back of the bank. Then, it was operated solely by volunteers except for the director and bus driver. Of course, we served breakfast for the Apple Festival crowd, everything “cooked from scratch,” as much as possible.

I especially remember the biscuits made by Doris Colburn, so light and fluffy, one man paid full meal price for a sandwich of biscuit and sausage.

At the same time, we served in the VFW hall, their popular omelets and breakfast fare (minus pancakes). Some VFW members went across the street for the breakfast in the Center!

When the new building was built, the breakfast continued to be served and as usual everyone was involved. But somehow I managed to work in the VFW and Center and had fun doing it, plus, Saturday during the festival, for a few years our Kitchen Band had a float in the parade, and we manged it all. What memories! Now, for a mouth watering treat, come to the Center Saturday for the bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, also pancakes, and drinks of coffee and juice, served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.

I really enjoyed a visit recently, with Bertha Cosby. She was a member of our “Seniors” here before she moved to Texas. She is doing well, 97, and still drives, attending the Center there.

Happy birthday to Linda Myers, Adriana Barbosa, Betty Cameron, John Mefford, Scott Bellamy, Annell Cochran, Woody Rogers, Jennifer Bailey.

Happy anniversar­y to Ronnie and Mary Rinehart, Deby and Kenny Bailey, Jerrod and Sara Bradley. Happy years, all! Remember recycling next Monday June 27.

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