Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Rain Down But Grass Still Green

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

When the weather forecaster said, “Spotted showers,” they were right. Several people have told of having been caught in a downpour that was so heavy they couldn’t see the yellow line on the highway. ( Scary!) Then suddenly it stopped as if a curtain had been pulled — not even a drop of water. Many places still report no rain, and we are 6 inches below normal rainfall. We have had enough to keep things green and growing.

The earthquake centered in northern Oklahoma was felt as far away as Chicago, Arizona, Tennessee and south Texas, with dozens of reports in our area. They say this is caused by the disposing of oil and gas field waste waters deep undergroun­d, but many, many years ago there was no such disposal when the big earthquake hit eastern Missouri and Arkansas, and changed the course of the Mississipp­i river.

Don and Carolyn Moke from Dimmitt, Texas, spent the Labor Day weekend with their cousin Johnny and Anna Cheatham. Monday, several family members were there for dinner, then a session of string music and singing. After that, a fun game of Go Push was enjoyed by all, the players and those who just watched. It was really fun, with each round of the game becoming more complicate­d.. and they were all such good sports. Later, some drove to the home of Jody and Darlene Cheatham for a family get-together and cook-out. Many good memories made!

Happy birthday to Linda Godden, Isaiah King, Gene Pharr, Mary Ann Lockhart, Barbara (Mrs. Bill) Griscom, Teresa Pershall, Paulette Carlton, John Munyon, Pam Watson, Jennifer Cannon, Bill Morris, Jody Cheatham, Paula Matthews, Elaine Reed, Judy Braly, and Stacy Luginbuel.

Happy Anniversar­y to Dickie and Niki Bradley.

Happy years, all!

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