Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Web Worms Take Over Once Again

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

Two weeks ago when the boys were working in my yard, we noticed three or four bunches of web worms in the walnut tree. They had been there for a few weeks and I said maybe they wouldn’t strip the tree of leaves as they did last year. Oh, yeah? Suddenly they have done just that. I wonder if they multiplied so fast, or just suddenly had ravenous appetites.

I’ve noticed it is the same way everywhere as last year. (As in the case of flies, mosquitoes, mice, moles, and armadillos, I wonder if Noah had web worms on the Ark, and why did he save them?)

On a happier note, the Hee Haw show in the Lincoln Senior Center was the expected success, with around 130 attending. From the time one entered the door until exit time, it was fun.

Many were “dressed up” it was so hard to identify them, really hilarious. The Kitchen Band did their part, then the show, music, singing, and jokes kept everyone laughing, with “Minnie Pearl,” “Barney Fife,” the “Man in Black,” and many others, and it ended with an enjoyable medley of Gospel songs, an evening to remember, by all who attended, including those who were from as far away as Wyoming and Utah.

Suddenly, it is Apple Festival time in Lincoln, a sure sign of autumn and October, and October is family history, reunion month, eat better, eat together, pasta, chili, pork, cookie, vegetarian, sea food, caramel, bake, and decorate, healthy lung, positive attitude, pajama, popcorn poppin’, flu shot, do it yourself, communicat­e with your kids, car care, fire safety and Halloween safety month.

Happy birthday to Jeanine Tucker, Janet Roy, Elsie Hanger, Janet Reed, Joyce Bradley, Rusty Chambliss, Cindy Lyons, Linda Munyon, Teagan Myers.

Happy anniversar­y to Mark and Nancy Martsching. Happy years, all! Remember recycle next Monday, Oct 10.

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