Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Good Leaders Are A Gift From God; We Are Blessed By Them

- Ron Wood

The Bible says when good leaders reign, the people are blessed. To be blessed in the Bible means to have peace, wellness, and prosperity. The Bible also says that by righteousn­ess “a throne is establishe­d.” Righteousn­ess means justice: the fair and impartial exercise of power by leaders. Think of Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela or King David.

Imagine that you lived in Syria right now. Their leader is named Assad. I remember when his father murdered 10,000 people for resisting his rule. He gassed them to death — all the men, women, and children in a whole village, all fellow Muslims. In those days, there were no video phones to broadcast the pictures of this atrocity to the world. So the son is now ruling from a throne not establishe­d in righteousn­ess but by brutality. Little wonder that the oppressed of his nation are rising up in armed revolt.

In America, we can overthrow our own government every four years by voting. Having lived overseas, I wanted to kiss the soil when I returned home. With all our troubles, there is still no nation on earth quite like the USA. Thank God for our founding fathers who gave us our Constituti­onal government.

Lincoln reminded us at Gettysburg on November 18, 1863, that it is “… of the people, by the people, and for the people …”

Good leaders are essential. Since we elect our leaders in America, we get what we deserve. Elect a bad person and he’ll use his (or her) power to serve himself or cause corruption. Elect a good person and he’ll use his or her office for the people’s welfare.

NWA has some good leaders, folks who are motivated to do right. Without being political and without analyzing particular issues, let me just say that I appreciate leaders of either party who handle civic affairs with honesty and integrity.

I have seen mayors take brave stands for disadvanta­ged people. I’ve seen a police chief stop and buy a cold soft drink for a woman waiting in the hot sun. I knew a U.S. Senator who was famous because he could not be bribed. My point is this: good people will do good things even when no one is watching.

I am a conservati­ve. I value the truth above all else. Liars and cheats come with all kinds of brands. President Nixon was a liar and a schemer… and a Republican. The truth is not political - it is of a higher order. Governor Lawton Childs (D-FL) was a friend of mine, notable for being incorrupti­ble. He handled the people’s business in Florida with integrity.

Whether Democrat, Republican, or Independen­t, we should appreciate leaders whose moral character is upright, regardless of their politics. We can differ on particular­s, but we’re way ahead as a people if the person in leadership has integrity and a good heart.

People may sometimes think I am pro-Trump and anti-democrat. That is not true. I am for constituti­onal limited government, more fathers in families, less debt and greed, and I am against slaughteri­ng innocent babies still in the womb.

In America, we have a duty to “pray for those in authority…” Ask the Lord to keep our leaders safe, to give them wisdom, and to keep them free of deception or corruption. Good leaders are a gift from the Lord. They often serve with little thanks in very difficult situations. I wouldn’t want their job, would you?


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