Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Church, Volunteers Build House For Fayettevil­le Couple


- By Lynn Kutter

FAYETTEVIL­LE — Prairie Grove Christian Church has built or rebuilt almost 30 homes to help those devastated by natural disasters and the latest house is about 10 miles from the church off Harmon Road.

Robert and Wendy Eiter lost their mobile home and almost all their furniture when water reached about 10-inches high in their home the night of April 29.

They had lived in the house, located outside the Fayettevil­le city limits in Washington County, since 2000 and previously had dealt with damage from some flooding in 2011.

But not anything close to the April floods.

“This was the killer,” Wendy Eiter said.

When they checked on their home about 10 p.m. that night, Robert saw the water was overtaking the house.

“It left debris everywhere. It was a disaster,” he said.

They lived a short time with their daughter and son-in-law and now are living on the property in a horse trailer equipped with restroom facilities.

Prairie Grove Christian Church entered the picture through their granddaugh­ter, who is friends with a church member. The Eiters’ need was shared with the church and soon, members came out to talk to the couple about helping them.

Work started on the house about three weeks ago when adults and teenagers built walls on the church parking lot. The following two Saturdays, volunteers showed up on site to begin building a new home.

Worship pastor Keith Bostian said the church’s passion to help others comes from God’s word, the Bible.

Matthew 25:40 says: “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

That scripture explains why church members go every year, Bostian said.

Bostian led his first groups to build houses to Mexico about 15 years ago and considers those his training grounds. From the first two years in Mexico, he learned how to organize trips and organize groups of people.

The third year Hurricane Katrina hit and the church decided to stay within the states. Over the past 12-13 years, they’ve worked on houses in Louisiana, Texas, Mississipp­i, Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

In December, a team went to Haiti to help children at an orphanage. The group also worked on the home of a family living next to the orphanage. Another trip is planned for Haiti in the future.

Building a house comes easy for Bostian’s group.

“We build houses all the time,” he said.

In most cases, the church finishes the house to the point the inside is protected from weather. From there, homeowners can finish the house as they have time or money.

This is the case with the Eiters’ new home. The Eiters are providing materials and the church the labor to complete the “wet phase” of constructi­on. The Eiters will finish it out.

Their new house is closer to Harmon Road and has a foundation three feet higher for protection from flood waters.

A planner from Washington County gave them recommenda­tions on where to build their new home. From the planner they learned their property is in a drainage basin that includes many miles of area.

Two creeks converge on their property, Hamstring and Clear Creek. Clear Creek has water coming to it from as far away as Locomotion in Fayettevil­le.

“Anything from the east side of Fayettevil­le is coming this way and here we sit,” Wendy Eiter said.

Hamstring Creek is fed through streams that go through Farmington.

She said people don’t realize how developmen­ts can affect property miles away.

She admits, though, the April rain event could be considered “one of those 500-year floods.”

Their new house will have 1,060 square feet with a loft that can be used for guests.

“It’s small but it is just the two of us and our dog,” she said.

Robert Eiter said the church’s willingnes­s to help the couple amazes him. They did not plan on receiving any help, nor did they ask for it.

“I think Wendy and I have been really blessed with blessings from God above,” he said. “It was like God said, Bob and Wendy, here this is for you. We lost our home in the flood. They saw we needed help and they helped us. There’s no way in the world we could do this without these people. It’s amazing the things God has done.”

The Eiters’ build included members of Prairie Grove High School’s FCA chapter and volunteers from other churches in Prairie Grove.

Working on houses, whether locally, in other states or other countries, is a great time for church members and other friends to get to know each other, bond, have fun and serve God, Bostian said.

And then he reminds why they do it: Matthew 25:40.

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

Matthew 25:40

 ??  ??
 ?? LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER ?? Trusses go up on this house on Harmon Road. Members of Prairie Grove Christian Church, plus volunteers from other churches in town, helped to build a home for a couple who lost almost everything during the April flooding.
LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER Trusses go up on this house on Harmon Road. Members of Prairie Grove Christian Church, plus volunteers from other churches in town, helped to build a home for a couple who lost almost everything during the April flooding.
 ?? LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER ?? Above: Lyndon Miller, 18, a senior at Lincoln High School, helps to build a home for a couple in Washington County. The couple lost their home during the April floods. Above, center: Prairie Grove Christian Church is helping to build a new home for...
LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER Above: Lyndon Miller, 18, a senior at Lincoln High School, helps to build a home for a couple in Washington County. The couple lost their home during the April floods. Above, center: Prairie Grove Christian Church is helping to build a new home for...
 ?? SHELLEY WILLIAMS SPECIAL TO ENTERPRISE-LEADER ?? Matt Jones, left, Jacob Watson, Chase Wade and Braden Risner, youth with Prairie Grove Christian Church, help to build walls for a family who lost their home during the April floods.
SHELLEY WILLIAMS SPECIAL TO ENTERPRISE-LEADER Matt Jones, left, Jacob Watson, Chase Wade and Braden Risner, youth with Prairie Grove Christian Church, help to build walls for a family who lost their home during the April floods.
 ?? LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER ?? Bob and Wendy Eiter stand in front of their new house on Harmon Road. This house will be closer to the road, away from the creek that flooded their home in late April.
LYNN KUTTER ENTERPRISE-LEADER Bob and Wendy Eiter stand in front of their new house on Harmon Road. This house will be closer to the road, away from the creek that flooded their home in late April.

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