Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Seniors Celebrate 100th Birthday

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

How about this Arkansas weather? 70 degrees at noon and a cool breeze, after a good shower. I’ll take it! The shower also took care of one watering of the hydrangeas.

Members of Lincoln Senior Center had a party Friday to help Nathan Mefford celebrate his 100th birthday. As far as I know this is the second such event, Lena Rinehart being first, ever held in the center over the years it has been in operation.

Nathan’s celebratin­g continued Sunday afternoon when a huge crowd of family and friends gathered in the Center. At least 130 attended, those who signed the book, but estimates were as high as 150, as many did not sign. Our congratula­tions to Nathan for a long life well lived.

A probable widespread object of conversati­on is about the total eclipse of the sun next Monday. According to the news, people are traveling into Missouri for a view of the total eclipse. If it will be 90 percent eclipse at 1:18 pm in Little Rock, I wonder how much we will see in Northwest Arkansas.

I remember my parents telling of the total eclipse in 1918 (I think) and about the only remark they made about it was that it got dark enough for the chickens to go to roost.

There was also a partial eclipse sometime in the 70s. I tried to take some pictures but they didn’t develop.

For those who remember Lou Holtz, I would like to share one of his sayings that appeared as a Quiptoquot­e recently. “I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care,” Lou Holtz. If only we all did so.

Happy birthday to Jerry Goolsby, Karen Lipford, Mary Anne Cantrell, Wendell Pershall, Ford Cochran, Hollis Barker, Lois Norvell, Damon Laycox, Wilsie Metcalf, Edna Tatum, Richard Moore, Carolyn McDonald.

Happy years, all!

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