Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Dangerous Sleet Hits Again

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

Almost four years ago, on Sunday, March 2, 2014, came a rare, very big sleet storm in our area, sleet piled up so it was almost impossible to go anywhere. Now, this year, on Sunday Feb. 11, (yes, it was a Sunday), we had an ice storm, not so heavy, but dangerous for travel, as proved by the wrecks, pile-ups and sadly, a fatality. As expected, most Churches closed.

Instead of the regular recipe exchange, the ladies planned to decorate cookies Monday, but instead, met Tuesday and prepared hundreds of the cookies to be part of the appreciati­on reception for our Veterans on Wednesday, Valentines Day.

Because of illness, and some surgery, and maybe because of the lack of communicat­ion, the turnout wasn’t what was expected, so the remainder of the cookies, also cards made by members of Cane Hill 4-H club will be taken to rest homes and assisted-living places. Our thanks to the 4-H members and the donation of cookies from Harp’s.

Now some humor. Two bachelor brothers bought a new mule, who was much taller than the last one they owned.

As they were putting it in their barn for the first time, his ears hit the top of the stall door. They worried that the constant scraping as he went in the door might hurt his ears.

One brother said they might have to cut out the section over the door. The other said it would be easier to shovel out a trench so he could walk in, rather than cut out above the door.

The first brother quickly rejected that idea. “That won’t work! It’s his ears that are too long, not his legs!”

Happy birthday to Ann Chambliss, Becky Griscom, Betty Pharr, Keith Lipford, Nicky Morris, Robert Curtsinger, Gary Cheatham, Jackson Ford, Lois Guess.

Happy anniversar­y to George and Lorene Schooler.

Happy years, all!

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