Washington County Enterprise-Leader

More Good Recipes Exchanged

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

I was happy to read the letter to the editor from Carl Wade Cheatham recently. I knew that his sister Loretta was one of the survivors of the ’28 tornado, but I hadn’t heard from her for a long time. The last time I saw her was at her mother’s funeral several years ago, when we exchanged addresses. I later wrote to her, but never received an answer. As far as I know, she, Vernon Yeager of Dallas, my brother James Myers of Springdale, and Billy Dee Osborn, and I are the only survivors left. Carl wrote some details of the storm that I had never heard, adding to the list of “miracles,” despite the sad fact of three deaths.

Five ladies met in the library Monday for the recipe exchange. Two recipes, “Twinkie Cake” and “Very Good Salad” were shared and discussed. Dorothy served some cinnamon pinwheels that were really enjoyed. She is a much talented and sharing cook. As usual there were some “tips,” and some sharing of various mistakes made at times, making it a good learning session. The next meeting is to be Monday, April 9, at 1 p.m.

It takes some getting used to this time change. One couple found a little humor in it (as I’m sure many others did). He asked her Monday morning why she was getting up so early. She said “it’s 7 time to get up.” He said, “It’s still dark, it can’t be.” So she said, “Look at the time on your phone.” Those things even automatica­lly reset the time. (I still depend on the calendar to “remember” what day it is.)

Happy birthday to Seth Latta, Hudson Cheatham, Mary Newberry, Mary Lauren Bradley, Carol Meyer, Elmer Williams, Richard Watson, Sam King, Paul Brakebill, Lesley Pinkerton, Wesley Pinkerton, Jack Batson.

Happy anniversar­y to Donald and Denise Mounce.

Happy years, all!

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