Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Enjoy The Health Benefits Of Strawberri­es

- By Debbie Archer — Debbie Archer, Extension associate-communicat­ions, archerd@ uapb. edu, UAPB School of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Human Sciences.

Strawberri­es are a great summertime fruit to enjoy. They peak during the spring and early summer, according to Teresa Henson, Extension specialist-program outreach coordinato­r for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s School of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Human Sciences.

“Strawberri­es are juicy, sweet and delicious,” Henson said. “Not only are they tasty but strawberri­es are also chock full of vitamins and offer an abundance of wellness and health benefits. They are a great source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidan­ts, and they can benefit your health in many ways.”

Strawberri­es have more vitamin C than citrus fruit, ounce for ounce. According to the American Cancer Society, foods rich in vitamin C may lower the risk of cancers of the gastrointe­stinal tract.

There are some food safety measures that should be followed when handling and storing strawberri­es, Henson said.

You should:

• Place berries in a colander and rinse under cold running water. If you allow berries to set in water, they will lose color and flavor.

• After washing, immediatel­y remove the green cap connected to the strawberry with a plastic-tipped vegetable peeler or a paring knife without removing any of the fruit.

• Store in tightly covered containers no more than four days. Store unwashed berries that are loosely covered with a plastic wrap and in the coldest part of your refrigerat­or no more than three days. • Only wash berries when ready to use.

“Strawberri­es make delicious snacks or desserts,” Henson said. “The following recipe makes a perfect, refreshing treat.”

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