Westside Eagle-Observer

Spring cleaning time is upon us

- By Bill Bill is the pen name of the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Glory be! Sunshine and ticks seem to be the order of the morning! I only had seven of the happy little blood suckers on my legs after feeding the barn cats and mice. Yes, the mice eat more of the cat food than the cats. Well, I do not know where I walked through a village of ticks, but it was pretty obvious that I did. I felt the critters crawling and headed for the house in a hurry.

I can’t complain very loud since I have been lamenting loudly about needing summer. I knew what would come with it, ticks, sneaky snakes and all manner of bugs.

The berry vines are just full of blossoms and you know the chiggers are planning attacks. The folks that advertise all the stuff that will kill us have warned against using sprays for protection, so we can either be eaten alive and be in misery or die without a belt line of chiggers. I am going to pick berries for a big cobbler!

The cattle are happy and grazing at breakneck speed. The steers are stiff legging anything that moves in their sight. I sure like to watch them sling their heads and stiff leg at the truck, each other and make believe foes. They are doing well, still pretty hairy but we have had some pretty nippy weather recently.

I found a cow with droopy ears and sorta breathing hard this morning. I got Snip and we cut her out and brought her in. The calf came with her, I know, amazing things do happen! I gave her a good dose of anti-all-kinds of infections and put them back out. She was glad to escape and the calf was fast leaving the pens. Snip, getting older every year, is still solid and healthy. I am thankful, hate to have to begin a new horse. This one is comfortabl­e.

My close relative is threatenin­g a trip to the city with her cousins. They go shopping, eating, looking and talking into the wee hours. That leaves four of us fellers to take care of ourselves for three days and two nights. How will I survive? I have a female offspring, a real knowledge of the kitchen, know how to get to the coffee emporium and, even with all that, my close relative will leave enough food ready for the microwave to feed an army. l should take it all to a welfare place and eat fresh stuff! She hasn’t gone yet. I will report the fun and freedom as it occurs!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, spring cleaning is upon us. I have the nastiest shed where I park my truck and, since Old Sneaky Snake likes the piles of rubbish, I intend to start on it this afternoon. I need to rest after my dinner, to let it settle, and then I will go to work and empty the place of the winter’s mess. It won’t take too long, but it is a job I dislike.

I suggest we all clean out a little every day because the season for adding trash is about upon us. Hay-bind paper, drink cups, boxes for parts, hamburger wrappers, candy-bar papers and other necessary parcels do pile up!

Keep on grinning; makes your banker wonder!

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