Westside Eagle-Observer

We are all housed, fed and prayed over

- Bill is the pen name of this Gravette-area writer. Opinions expressed are those of the author. By Bill

I did not get stuck even once this morning as I cruised around the place. The sprinkles that fell yesterday did not add to the water in every little dent in the ground. I sure believe there are tadpoles in all the puddles and the evening chorus of frogs is witness to that! I didn’t get stuck because Snip very carefully jumps over or walks around puddles.

The cattle are all more than full of good grass but still bawl and follow wanting cubes. They can’t figure that Snip does not have a storage compartmen­t. It really aggravates him when the old hides follow too close, and he has to kick at them occasional­ly.

The steers in the feedlot are on the show list. My close relative and I went for a last look at them before they are sold. She took a bunch of pictures and I have not one clue who would want to look at a pen of our fat cattle besides us. If you have ever talked to a beef producer about your cattle you know he couldn’t wait for you to take a breath and give him a chance to extol his better breeding choices!

The round table discussion­s were pretty disturbing this last week. We had to meet in the back of the cafe, bring our own chairs and sit 6 feet apart! We met solely to prevent the demise of some of the members who had been quarantine­d with their close relatives and had no outside communicat­ions at all! I had a phone call from a couple of them begging for something, they didn’t care where or how many, but some kind of help was necessary! Clate Matthews said he had helped move furniture, shook rugs and cleaned out the cellar until he was ready to rebel. We all brought a thermos of coffee and enjoyed the visit — but no pie!

I have sprayed the hemlock weeds and thistles around the barns. That rotten old purple violet is growing well this spring. We won’t worry about it until the weather gets hot and the grass gets short, then it will surely kill cattle. We have to try to stay ahead of some of this stuff and are never successful at getting it all. Some of the ditches from here to town have thistles that will seed millions of pastures.

We have a couple of old cows that need some hoof trimming and I got them up to the barn pasture this morning. We always dread doing the hooves but it is necessary for some of them. My dear old Pappy didn’t have any trouble with long toes on his cattle, the trips to water were long and the sand kept the hooves filed down! We have made life so easy, the natural need to keep the hooves growing is now obsolete.

We haven’t heard of any of our acquaintan­ces having or dying of the covid-19, so we hope and pray it is about done. The scientists are working to make a vaccine that will prevent it in the future, but it won’t work if you and I don’t take the trouble to get it!

The nursing homes that have been infected have been on our hearts and in our prayers. I know our lives have not changed very much but folks that don’t work at home are struggling financiall­y and emotionall­y. Maybe the curve has flattened and I can get a haircut next week. My close relative mentioned cutting it for me — not gonna happen!

We have enjoyed the grands being home and available to ride and help on the place. I have seen all of them working one time or another since they have been home. The garden is not their idea of fun activity but they take their turn at pulling little weeds and grass. It will be better when the little tomatoes start to ripen!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, we sure are blessed! Yes, I know about the hard times brought on lately, but we have homes, groceries and I have visited several widow ladies with sacks full of human kindness and frozen beef for their freezers! I enjoy the sharing, more fun than a circus! My close relative sends along something extra and we sure enjoy the activity. So we are all housed, fed and prayed over, live in this area and know our neighbors. What more do we need? Blessings by the dozens around here!

Would we be even a little suspicious of a masked man in the bank?

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