Westside Eagle-Observer

When did they start hiring little kids to do the TV news and weather?

- By Bill

This is one of those days I am forever wishing for! I have spent the entire working day without breaking anything! I did not have a flat, run low or out of fuel in the truck, tractor or pickup. I did not knock my dishes off the table accidental­ly or spill my coffee. I found first thing this morning that 20% of the area was most likely to get some rain and the temp was staying way below the three digits.

Next thing I got was a blessing of nine little black bull calves! The offspring said they were really popping last night and all the calves came naturally. The heifers all took care of their babies and that makes sixteen on the hoof now! I watched all day, between counting and other chores. Not a one came on my shift but that is not too unusual; darkness is the norm for calving.

We had a mystery going on here on the rock pile. We found extra calves in with Snip and had no idea how they got in there or who they belonged to.

Ken Thorles showed up here yesterday evening and claimed the two. He said he was hauling them to sell with the others as they had escaped the roundup. He got within a few miles of our place and a feller pulled him over to say he could see hooves poking out the bottom of the trailer. He got the calves squeezed upfront and hauled them here, dumped them in with Snip and we did not hear him at all. He does not drive one of those big things with a Hemi in it! So now we know and he was proud they had begun to look full and were so calm. Feeding twice a day does that!

My close relative reported she had a nice time on her trip and asked why I had so many leftovers. I replied that my appetite is always gone when she isn’t home. It must have worked, as she was smiling!

Should we put some winter wheat in or not? I sure like to have it for grazing but we don’t have enough land for wheat for all the cattle. Maybe just graze the steers, but how much difference there is in what you spend and the profit in gain on the cattle is a big question. I know the feedlot business is almost as iffy and we could put more grass seed in no-till and be ahead for several years. Decisions are a plague and, in a lifetime, we make some right and some wrong. I know I just pray a lot and try to do the best I can.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, when did they start hiring little kids to do the news and weather on TV? The people on our station look like they are about 25 to 30!

How do they learn all they need to know by that age? The shaved faces are so fresh and shiny and their voices are just barely over the hump of changing from squeak to manhood.

This seems to give me pause as it did my Pappy when he saw the young calf ropers at the annual rodeo. I guess it means I am old enough to be married to a grandmothe­r!

Keep on praying for rain, the bar ditch weeds are still wilted!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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