Westside Eagle-Observer

Life would be boring if all ran along smoothly

- By Bill

I thought dark would never get here today, and it finally came, almost late! Well, it wasn’t late; I was just worn. I stood daylight guard today over the springers and many were springing! I didn’t have any trouble, helped a little on two of the births, but they are all up and full of warm colostrum and all the cows are fine.

I guess the long times between each birth are anxiously spent with nerves ready to respond if necessary. I am pretty sure I have enough savvy about birthing matters that I am not nervous while waiting but maybe my body doesn’t know that. Any problems I can’t handle are few and far between and I know the number to the fastest vet in the country!

My close relative was pretty cranky this evening when I got in. She had my dandy little sandwich fixed, tea poured and the ice melted in the glass. I washed up and invited her to come to the table with me and the answer was so soft I barely heard it. She had emptied the coffee pot and, so, I was finished with supper pretty quick. I went to the living room chair, turned on the evening news and sat there alone.

I finally woke up and decided to go on to bed, and there she was — already had all the covers pulled and snoring softly. I got ready as quiet as possible and climbed in. Put my feet in the wrong spot of course and the fuss was on. I was sure to find out more than I needed to know about the little snit going on.

I guess, all in all, a feller can’t be perfect even while so dang near it! I put the catsup up on the shelf in the icebox instead of in the rack in the door, got mud on the floorboard of her car, didn’t get the washing machine cold water to run faster and did not tell her I would be till dark coming in for supper. Those are a few I remember!

So the summer is almost over and the cold north winds of winter will be blowing down the plains soon. I believe good horses and wonderful close relatives are so attuned to weather changes a feller could get bucked off a perfectly gentle and broken horse at the right time! And watch yourselves as changes occur now and protect yourselves as well as possible. Candy and roses, sweet words and cleaning up any messes found, yours or not, always helps soothe the injured.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, life would sure be boring if all ran along smoothly every day! No wrinkles in any hour, all grass green, water tanks full of fresh water and never a lily in a pond. The cows all six years old with good health and calves born every six months! Sounds pretty good until you find it is super boring. How many folks have you ever heard say they wish they could stay home every day and now they wish they could go somewhere, just anywhere!

Be kind to those who are just a little off-kilter; it makes life more pleasant!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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