Westside Eagle-Observer

The good Lord has penciled in our trail

- By Bill Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

I can say again, the winter chill is upon the rock pile. We had a frozen water pipe at the precious chicken coop and the birds were gonna thirst to death before I could get it thawed, but they didn’t and so all is well again. I put them in the old building that at one time had been a storage shed for chicken feeders. The coop fit good and opening the door lets the sun shine in on the hens. There was already a faucet in there so it was almost ready. My close relative is very fussy about the girls as she calls them.

We moved the spring calvers yesterday to the south pens. Been saving that grass since we moved the fall bunch out. It is a pretty good grass cover and easy to watch. I am thankful for a good gentle horse to use and Snip was blessed by an old cowboy instead of a young go-getter! The cows are almost all fouryear-olds, just two heifers that didn’t breed when they should have so we put them in with this bunch. I am always glad when the heifers have a baby standing and nursing!

I am going to go to the big town tomorrow morning. I need to price some tools, tires and hay rakes. Our rake is older than the offspring. I plan on taking my close relative, stopping for a hamburger, fries and a milkshake for lunch, and then a stop at the bank before heading home. Don’t know if she is gonna go or not; she said she would sit in the car the entire time so might take a book with her.

Suits me just fine, but we need a different view once in a while!

I have some neighborho­od dogs using our backyard for their latrine. They come in the dark of night while Old Dog is asleep in the utility room dreaming of Kentucky Fried Chicken and they potty in the most awful places. I have to get the rake and a bucket to get things cleaned up almost every morning. What to do is the question.

Good neighbors, always friendly, see them occasional­ly at church and I’d bet, if I was a betting man, they like their dogs. Sure is a question that deserves some deep thinking as it isn’t worth a war or hurt feelings.

The grands are thinking of so many different roads to travel in their lifetimes that I am left out in the cold. The last and youngest one is still with me on most things, helps chore in the evenings and finds all the hidden kittens. She has a pretty good horse and now it is just hers and mine to feed and ride. The good roping horse belongs to another feller and two barrel horses have paid for cars. Time marches on.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, the good Lord has penciled in our trail and, because He doesn’t make mistakes, we sorta keep time with the happenings. I don’t ride much anymore, don’t run to the ice cream store much anymore and yet I lament the lost need for doing so. We settle-in, so to speak, rest in the living room for another 20 minutes and still get things done that need doing, but slower. Life is like that and I am thankful I still have one!

February is coming along and that brings chocolate candy! Smile and say sweet things to the ladies; they give good chocolate kisses with almonds!

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