Westside Eagle-Observer

Yes, it was Christmas, and then it was over

- By Bill Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

The trail of celebratio­ns was well-occupied. It was anticipate­d, prepared for, waited on with great hope and then came and was over in 24 hours! The birth of the Christ child was very important but our generation worships the gifts and pretty lights more and more.

I fed the horses and cats early this morning before breakfast. The animals did talk to me in their own language and the cats were extra nice! The little spotted paint pony acted young and ran Snip out of his stall and cleaned his trough too! I could hear the low sounds of cows waking their calves for nursing and then the very small tweets of morning birds as they tried to decide whether to get up or stay in their warm sleeping places.

My life as it was planned for me! How many times I deviated I can’t count. So now I hope the plan is not to go to California or Maine!

I went to the coffee emporium and listened to the groanings of the old men around the round table on Monday morning and learned. All of them were treated to Christmas dinner sometime before Sunday by their grown children, who had grandchild­ren of their own to prepare for. They got gifts, new overalls, caps and a box of candy, all desperatel­y needed! Ha! Not one of them was taken to Christmas Eve services or even invited. Neil said his daughter sort of mentioned it but was hushed by her husband. That, in particular, says we, as human beings, are on the wrong path!

My close relative was ready for all of it! We took three cars to church at eleven o’clock on Saturday night, sang praise and thanksgivi­ng for the Savior and got some sleep before the jolly man came! The college kids and the next on the list were brighteyed and going until the tree was bare and the dinner was announced! Then we ate and ate!

I got the most gifts and loved them all. There were new overalls and leather gloves, plus a pair of rubber boots that don’t leak! First new boots in many years and it was all thrilling to see the colored papers being ripped off and thrown away! We were all given a trash bag to use because it was needed but who could remember it at the time?

The kids were very thankful that they didn’t get ropes and new saddle pads this year! They talked about the old days and once again were thankful for the place and the hard work we have laid at its feet! I enjoy going back 20 or so years and my entire family got into the early years. We laughed and sort of got damp-eyed at some of the memories but the grandbaby started being the center of attention and we all came to life!

Our female offspring was so much fun the morning of gifts as she had gone to great lengths to make each one special! She had the best gifts handed out first and then a box of rocks given to the boys. These were the rocks thrown at her for years and she saved them! She gave her mother a new apron because she ruined a special one and made her momma cry when she was 12. So it went all morning, fun and then greater fun!

We must have had gallons of coffee that morning before dinner but we still ate like a harvest crew! The college kids have expandable parts in their possession and they readily use them! The bones and skin were left for the scavengers after the meal and the grandmothe­r of the bunch promised a surprise for supper, a hidden ham and sandwich fixings! I tried to eat enough not to need supper!

Yes, it was Christmas, and then it was over, but the memories and our Savior will be precious to us forever! I am sure my family knows the end of that story but they also have years to exercise bad decisions and suffer in this life. We, my close relative and me, pray for them, and we still have a baby one to enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as my herd did! Just “Remember the Alamo” and why we celebrate the day!

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