Westside Eagle-Observer

Test your Christmas knowledge: What is fact and what is fiction?

- RANDY MOLL rmoll@nwaonline.com

With Christmas upon us, it might be good to see if you have your facts straight and know why we celebrate Christmas and what Christmas is really all about.

Because so many traditions have been introduced into the holy day, it may prove beneficial to take the following Christmas Quiz to see if you know what is fact and what is merely fiction or tradition.

Editor’s Note: Since we have run this same quiz numerous times before, some of you may have become quite proficient in answering its questions.

Continued from last week ...

17. Wise men from the East came to worship Jesus:

A. Because they saw His star in the East and knew it meant the King of the Jews was born. B. They too heard the multitude of heavenly hosts. C. Not when the shepherds came but some time later because Mary and Joseph were staying in a house when they arrived. D. Both A and C above.

18. How many wise men came to worship Jesus?

A. three. B. five. C. About 100. D. The Bible doesn’t tell us the number, but it was enough to trouble King Herod when he heard why they had come.

19. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger:

A. So we could exchange gifts. B. To inspire Santa Claus. C. To fulfill God’s promises to send a Savior who would destroy the work of Satan. D. To suffer and die for the sins of all the world and then rise again. E. To make a way for sinful people to be saved and go to heaven when they die.

F. All of the above except A and B.

20. According to the Bible, God would like us to celebrate the birth of His Son into this world by:

A. Going Christmas shopping and giving gifts. B. Spending the holidays with family and friends. C. Singing Christmas carols. D. Turning back to God and trusting in Him to forgive our sins and give us everlastin­g life with Him in heaven because He so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son to suffer and die for the sins of all and rise again.

The answers to the above Christmas Quiz questions can all be found in the Bible — especially in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters one and two, and the Gospel of Luke, chapters one and two. If you wish to check your answers, a guide is also included below:

17-D; 18-D; 19-F; 20-D.

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