Woman's World

Detox your kidneys to feel healthier and happier!

- —Brenda Kearns

recent studies reveal that you can cut your risk of heart disease and cancer 40%— plus erase tiredness and blue moods— just by giving your kidneys a little TLC! The reason? When these hard-working organs are in tiptop shape, they quickly whisk toxins, inflammati­on, excess hormones and other damaging wastes from your body. You can revitalize them now by:

Revving blood flow with spaghetti sauce

Enjoying a daily 1/2 cup of cooked tomatoes could improve your kidney function—and rev your energy levels—as much as 39%. Thanks goes to lycopene, the powerful cellprotec­ting, antioxidan­t pigment that gives tomatoes their red color, explain Wayne State researcher­s.

Stopping stone formation with Bs

Just taking a B complex could reduce your risk of kidney troubles 34%, Harvard research shows. These essential nutrients help your body excrete oxalate, a waste product that fuels the growth of damaging kidney stones. One option: Life Extension’s Complete B-complex ($8 for 60 capsules, Lef.com/ww). Important: Check with a doctor before starting a new supplement.

Reducing your risk 59% with daily walks

Fitting in 30 minutes of moderate exercise (walking counts!) each day could slash your risk of kidney disease 59%! Physical activity helps prevent two proven kidney-agers: high blood sugar and high blood

pressure, says Alan Gaby, M.D., author of Nutritiona­l Medicine.

Sipping away trouble with water and wine

Drinking four 8-oz. glasses of plain water, along with 6 oz. of red wine, daily could reduce your kidney disease risk 37%, a Canadian study suggests. Water flushes out toxins before they can cause harm, while the polyphenol­s in red wine strengthen and heal kidney nerves, the study authors say. Teetotaler? A 1/2 cup of red-skinned peanuts will provides the same polyphenol protection as the red wine.

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