Woman's World

Use Jell-o to fall asleep faster!

If you’ve ever suspected that you have health issues that are different from a man’s, you’d be right! Due to key difference­s in our muscles, hormones and brain, certain health hassles are more common in women. The good news? Researcher­s have also pinpoint



soundly with Jell- O!

If it takes you longer to fall asleep or you wake up more often at night than your husband, blame hormone fluctuatio­ns and the way your brain is wired! To enjoy deeper, longer sleep—without sleeping pills—eat a gelatin dessert (with sugar or sugar-free) at dinner! ✤ It works! Gelatin is rich in glycine, a relaxing amino acid that also triggers nighttime drowsiness, studies confirm. Vegetarian? Egg whites are another good source of glycine, or simply take a 1,000-mg. glycine supplement two hours before bed. Bonus: More sleep = less pain!

Women really are more sensitive to pain than men! Why? We have more nerve receptors that transmit pain signals. Luckily, getting high-quality sleep cuts the number of pain signals sent!

2Moisten dry eyes with fish oil!

Eyes get tired or scratchy if you use a computer or wear contacts? Low estrogen at certain points in your menstrual cycle or due to menopause makes dry eyes more likely! The fix: 1 g. to 2 g. of fish oil (with EPA and DHA) daily! ✤ It works! Studies show omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil keep the ducts along the eyelids that release moisture onto the surface of your eyes in tiptop shape even when estrogen dips! And have a cuppa!

The caffeine in coffee and tea ups tear production in the eye, making them moister, reports the journal Ophthalmol­ogy.

3Lose weight faster with vitamin D!

Frustratin­g but true: Men are less likely to gain weight—and it’s easier for them to lose it! That’s because they naturally have more lean muscle mass, which torches calories faster than other tissues. Can you get more lean muscle so you can slim down faster, too? Yes! Simply supplement with 1,000 IU of vitamin D-3 daily. In a recent Brazilian study, women who took it upped their muscle mass an impressive 25% over nine months—while those who got a placebo lost more than 6% of their muscle mass! ✤ It works! Vitamin D-3 (the most absorbable form) helps your body use more dietary protein to build muscle cells! And fill up on fruits and veggies!

Eating produce is a proven way to feel fuller with fewer calories while trying to lose weight—and it prevents muscle loss as you age! Thanks goes to their stores of magnesium and potassium, which protect muscles from acids in your blood that can wear them away!

4Shoo away depression with curcumin!

Women are twice as likely to develop depression as men. One proven natural way to feel sunnier in four weeks: twice daily 500-mg. doses of curcumin (such as Jarrow Formulas Curcumin 95, $14.38 per 60 500-mg. capsules, Vitacost.com). ✤ It works! Curcumin (the compound that gives turmeric its yellow hue) balances off-kilter brain chemicals, reversing down moods as well as some antidepres­sant Rxs! And s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

Doing yoga stretches at least once a week eases depression within eight weeks! The relaxing poses and slow breathing rein in the anxiety and stress that can trigger blue moods.

5Nix neck aches by sitting still!

You’re more likely than a man to experience neck pain and stiffness due to higher levels of stress that cause tightness in these muscle groups, reveals recent Swedish research. The good news: Just sitting still for 15 minutes a day and focusing on your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale triggers a nearly 50% drop in neck pain in women within eight weeks, shows a study in the Journal of Pain. ✤ It works! It may be simple, but this relaxation technique is an extremely effective way to reverse the stress that’s triggering tight, achy neck muscles! And lift a can of soup for two minutes! Just two minutes a day of “side lateral raise” exercises—in which you hold a light barbell or a can in your hands, bend your elbows to 90-degree angles, then slowly raise your elbows to shoulder height and lower them—eases neck pain within 10 weeks! As Danish researcher­s explain, this simple exercise keeps neck and shoulder muscles flexible and flushes out pain-causing chemicals that accumulate over the course of the day! For a free video demonstrat­ion, visit Youtu.be/ecvbkns3_ds.

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