Woman's World

Save more on healthcare!

Tired of the sky-high price of medicines, medical treatments and other health-care needs? Here are simple techniques for cutting these bills down to size!


●1 Ask your pharmacist about Rx savings!

Sure, you can save on prescripti­ons by asking your doctor for generic options and asking your insurer if they have preferred Rxs, which are cheaper. But there’s one more person to ask to find extra savings: your pharmacist! Most know multiple ways you can save on your prescripti­ons —such as free discount drug cards, pharmaceut­ical company discounts, coupons and other medication­s that are cheaper, but work similarly —but don’t bring them up unless you ask!

●2 Hire a pro to get refunds!

Research shows about one in 10 medical bills for emergency room visits, hospital stays and more have errors that could cost you a bundle! Unfortunat­ely, between the medical jargon and complicate­d codes, it can feel impossible to find out if you’ve been a victim of an error. To the rescue: someone to do the searching for you! Companies like Remedy (Tryremedy. com) do all the legwork to spot bill errors. If they find a mistake, their fee is 20% of the amount you’re refunded up to $99—and $0 if no error is found!

●3 Dodge “balance billing”!

Think if you’ve got insurance, you know how much your share will be for co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs? Not so fast! There’s a common practice called “balance billing” from out-ofnetwork doctors and other health-care providers. It requires you to pay the difference between what insurance pays and the fee they charge, which can add thousands to your bill! To avoid it, ask ahead of time if the provider uses balance billing, and if so, find a provider who doesn’t.

●4 Shop for cheaper tests!

You probably wouldn’t buy a TV or computer without shopping around for the cheapest price since it can save you tons—and research shows that when you compare prices of x-rays, MRIS and other procedures, you can save hundreds a year on those, too! Even better? Comparing prices is easy! Many health insurance companies offer a price comparison tool right on their websites, or you can visit Saveon Medical.com to compare costs in your area.

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