Woman's World

The veggie that heals like daily aspirin!

Chronic inflammati­on is like a five-alarm fire that raises your risk of heart disease. Fortunatel­y, researcher­s have pinpointed simple strategies that can douse the flame, cutting your risk of heart woes 50%! The keys:

- —Brenda Kearns

Whisking trouble ✓ away with chickpeas!

Or other beans, red-skinned peanuts and oats. All are packed with saponins, plant compounds that help your liver quickly disarm inflammati­on and excrete it before it can damage the lining of artery walls or cause other trouble. No wonder just eating three cups of saponin-rich foods weekly is enough to lower your body-wide levels of inflammati­on—and your heart disease risk!—25% in just 14 days, according to researcher­s at East Carolina University.

Protecting your ✓ arteries with algae!

A daily 12-mg. dose of astaxanthi­n, a nutrient extracted from algae, is such a powerful inflammati­on-tamer that supplement­ing with it could cut your risk of heart disease 50%, reports the Journal of Atheroscle­rosis and Thrombosis. Astaxanthi­n speeds the breakdown of inflammati­on in your bloodstrea­m, plus repairs any tissues attacked by inflammati­on, says study coauthor Hiroshige Itakura, PH.D. One option: Nutrex Hawaii’s Bioastin ($10 for 25 gel caps, iherb.com). Important: Check with a doctor before starting a new supplement.

Revving immune cells ✓ with carrots

Eating three cups of carrots, sweet potatoes or other orange vegetables weekly could lower your risk of heart- damaging inflammati­on 42%—making these veggies as effective an anti-inflammato­ry as aspirin, according to Harvard University researcher­s. Credit goes to carotenoid­s, nutrients that help your white blood cells produce just enough inflammati­on to kill off viruses and other germs, but not so much that your own tissues are harmed.

Taming a big trigger ✓ with walks

Belly fat doesn’t just make your pants snug—it also releases wastes called cytokines that promote inflammati­on! Luckily, you can reduce your cytokine levels 33% in one month simply by walking briskly 30 minutes a day, reveals a report in the Journal of Neurogastr­oenterolog­y and Motility. Physical activity switches off the belly-fat genes that encourage cytokine formation, says study coauthor Young Kim, M.D. ■ Bonus: Those walks could help you shed up to 12 pounds of belly fat in the first year, according to University of Alabama scientists.

Inhibiting ✓ inflammati­on with garlic and onions

Sugar, white flour, trans fats, chemical additives . . . even if you’re careful, ingredient­s that encourage inflammati­on can sneak into some of your meals. Fortunatel­y, guarding against them is as easy as eating one clove of garlic or 1/4 cup of onions daily, Canadian researcher­s say. These flavor-enhancers are full of unique compounds that inhibit inflammati­on in the digestive tract— even on days when you eat foods that are known to be inflammato­ry triggers! ■ Bonus: A daily dose of garlic or onions will reduce your risk of stomach and colon cancer 44%, European researcher­s say.

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