Woman's World

Lose 100 lbs in 12 weeks!

Try the fat-burning super-snack plan that took Katie from 409 lbs to 170!


At 409 pounds, Katie Patterson was in such crushing pain she could no longer care for her kids or herself. Her mom begged her to try a new diet that called for five tasty snacks and one meal a day. The results were stunning . . .

atie, wake up! Wake up! You’re not breathing!” Katie Patterson slowly roused and gasped for air. Her parents and husband had gathered around the recliner where she slept to help with her sleep apnea. “You haven’t breathed in over 30 seconds, Katie,” said her mom, Becky, clutching her bathrobe. “We’ve been watching.” Her dad, Bill, shook his head. “This has to stop,” he said. “You have to find a way to get healthier.” Katie’s husband, Rich, said nothing, but looked worried. A wave of humiliatio­n hit Katie as she realized: Their weekend visit to her parent’s house had turned into . . . an interventi­on about her weight.

Katie’s instinct was to rush out of the room—but, the truth was, she was so big and in so much pain, she couldn’t get up without help. She couldn’t shower, dress herself or care for her kids without help. She was trapped in her own 409-pound body, trapped with the constant aching. And the only time she felt better was when she was eating—truck-stop breakfasts, baskets of fried food, whole pizzas. Now her family looked at her expectantl­y. I have tried to fi x myself and failed and failed and failed, she thought. There’s no point. Still, they stared. “I’ll try again,” Katie mumbled. But Katie’s mom wasn’t finished. “If you haven’t noticed, I’ve lost 30 pounds,” Becky said. “I’ve found something that works, and I feel so much better. We all think you should try it, too.” The room got silent. “Please, Katie,” said her mom, with a look that said her heart was breaking. Katie swallowed hard. She closed her eyes. “Okay, I’ll try,” she said. And she meant it.

Snack surprises

It turned out Becky had gone to a birthday party and met Pam Carter, a health coach for a diet company. They’d gotten to talking, and soon Becky had traded her usual heavy fare for five protein-rich snacks and one low-carb meal a day. “I don’t have to count calories or cook a lot, but I still make my own dinner, so I’m learning about healthy foods and portions,” Becky had explained. It sounded both doable and terrifying to Katie, who worried she’d be starving, fail again and get everyone’s hopes up for nothing. Could she and Rich even afford it? “This is important,” Rich insisted. “We’ll figure it out.” So Katie called Pam.

The morning after her starter kit arrived, Katie mixed up a packet of protein-rich cappuccino. A couple of hours later, she microwaved some protein-rich oatmeal. It’s good, she thought. And I can’t believe I’m not hungry yet.

A few hours later she heated a mini bowl of protein-rich pasta; she followed that a few hours later with a protein bar. Maybe she was a little hungry? Pam had suggested she drink water if that happened, so she did. It seemed to work. Soon, her family was home, and it was time to make her first dinner— chicken breast and salad. Even the kids—william, 9, and Gracie, 8—liked it! Later, there was a protein-rich brownie as a bedtime snack. Katie crawled into bed stunned by how easily her first day had gone.

The next morning, she stepped on the scale. She was already down five pounds! The next morning, she stepped on the scale again. “I’m under 400 pounds after two days!” she marveled to Rich. By week’s end, 18 pounds were gone. She had tried so many diets before—and nothing had ever worked like this. Not even close. Her progress didn’t slow. In eight weeks, she melted 60 pounds. Every part of her felt better. She could finally sleep and move. “You’re happier than I’ve seen you in years,” Rich said. He was right. It was around that time Katie and Rich decided to move to a nicer place. Though excited, Katie felt her stress rise as boxes were packed, her routine disrupted. Tacos will calm me down, she thought one day. Yet as she pulled into Taco Bell, her gut told her to call Pam. “Think about tacos and the healthy choices you have at home. Which will make you feel good longer?” Pam asked. It was the perfect question. Katie left the drive-thru. Not long after, settled in her new place, she got on the scale again. She’d lost 100 pounds in 12 weeks! Katie kept right on losing, shedding 110, 120, 130 pounds. At one point, she celebrated by going off her plan and struggled to get back on track. Pam came to the rescue once more, encouragin­g Katie to find new ways to reward herself. “Now I celebrate by going for a walk and counting my blessings,” Katie says proudly. And she has many blessings to count. “I’m a wife again, a mom again. Because we stopped eating so much junk, my husband lost 83 pounds, and we’re both setting healthy examples for our kids. We go bowling, fishing, hiking. I’ve even become a health coach so I can help other people like Pam helped me.” Down an astonishin­g 239 pounds in 25 months, Katie now says: “Never give up. I can’t believe this is my life—and I only have it because I found the strength to try one more time.”

Want Katie as your coach? Learn more at Katiepatte­rson. Ichooseopt­imalhealth.com.

 ??  ?? A size 60 at 409 lbs., “People would stare at me in the supermarke­t, because my belly would knock items off the shelf,” Katie recalls.
A size 60 at 409 lbs., “People would stare at me in the supermarke­t, because my belly would knock items off the shelf,” Katie recalls.
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