Woman's World

Snore-stopping tea!

- —Brenda Kearns

Upto 45% of us snore regularly, often loudly enough to disrupt our own sleep, so we wake up groggy the next day! That’s why simply quieting the noise—to ensure you get plenty of deep, healing rest— can actually cut your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and even Type 2 diabetes in half! Try:

Keeping airways open with ginger tea

Sipping two mugs of zesty ginger tea daily could cut your risk of snoring—and restless sleep—as much as 25%. Ginger has the power to quash the airway swelling that makes nighttime breathing louder and noisier, often in as little as one week, according to recent research at the University of Wisconsin.

● Snoring less by singing

Singing or playing a wind instrument—flute, harmonica or even a kazoo—for 20 minutes daily could cut your snoring 50% or more within 16 weeks, Swiss research shows. These musical endeavors strengthen the muscles in the throat that otherwise can sag and block your airways while you sleep, the study authors say.

Avoiding awakenings with magnesium supplement­s

Taking 400 mg. to 500 mg. of magnesium at bedtime reduces snoring

and nighttime awakenings for 82% of women, suggests a study in the Journal of Research in Medical Science. Magnesium heightens your brain’s control of your airways, helping them stay open so you can breathe properly even in the deepest stages of sleep, says study coauthor Masud Kimiagar, PH.D.

Shutting off the racket by sleeping enough

It sounds counterint­uitive, but clocking at least seven hours of sleep nightly cuts your snoring risk 57% in three days, reveals a study in the journal Sleep. When you get enough sleep, the nerves and muscles controllin­g your airways are more likely to work properly as you snooze, says Guy Marks, PH.D.

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