Woman's World

My Guardian Angel

When Woman’s World reader, Christine Brown, of Endicott, New York, asked the angels for a sign that her mother was still with her, they sent a beautiful reply! She writes:


Igrew up believing in angels. When I was a child, my mom would point out shapes in the clouds, saying, “Look, Christine, there’s an angel in the sky and she’s watching over us.” Once, a beautiful white dove landed on the rail of our deck, and she told me it might possibly be an angel.

As I grew older, we enjoyed reading the “My Guardian Angel” column together. Mom’s favorites were the stories about deceased loved ones sending family members butterflie­s and birds, reminding them of their love and nearness.

When I moved away, I missed Mom terribly. Then one day, a package from her arrived in the mail. Inside was a recording of Stevie Wonder’s song, “I Just Called to Say I Love You.” This became “our” song, and every time either of us heard it, we thought of the other.

“A butterfly and our special song —Mom sent the perfect sign of her love!” Christine marvels

As years passed, Mom grew frail and became very ill. Heartbroke­n, I rushed to her bedside. “How will I live without you?” I sobbed.

“I’ll ask the angels to send you a sign that I am happy and still with you,” she replied.

“But how will I know what to look for?” I cried.

“You’ll know when you see it. The angels know how to arrange these things,” she smiled weakly.

After the funeral, I was sitting on my patio when a beautiful blue butterfly attached itself to my arm. Amazingly, at that exact moment, Stevie Wonder’s, “I Just Called to Say I Love You,” began to play on the radio I’d been listening to

Tears began to spill down my cheeks as I realized this was my sign from Mom.

As I listened to our song, the butterfly remained on my arm. Gazing at its vibrant blue wings, I remembered that Mom had always told me I looked beautiful in blue!

Suddenly, memories of doves and angelic clouds from my childhood flashed before my eyes as I felt my mother’s presence. After the song stopped, the butterfly flew away, and a peace came over my heart, for I knew that Mom was nearby, watching over me, like a guardian angel.

“The timing of Christine and her mom’s special song playing simultaneo­usly with the butterfly landing on her arm is beyond coincidenc­e!” says Doreen Virtue, PH.D. “What a beautiful sign of eternal love from Christine’s mother!

“A butterfly was the perfect messenger. Butterflie­s are symbols of a peaceful transition, showing that Christine’s mom was happily in Heaven.

“When butterflie­s act in unusual ways, such as landing on a person and staying there, you know it’s a sign from above— as butterflie­s are normally shy. This is a reminder that Christine’s mom will always be with her, and watching over her.

“I imagine that whenever Christine needs a boost of love from her mother, she’ll continue to see a blue butterfly or hear their special song— or both in combinatio­n.

“The angels say: ‘A mother’s love reaches across the expanse of Heaven and Earth, forever joining her heart with her beloved children.’ ”

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