Woman's World

“Help me get rid of cellulite!”

A whopping 98% of us have cellulite. And though it’s perfectly normal, few of us are happy about it. The good news? You don’t have to live with cottageche­ese thighs this summer, promise our experts!


1 Quick moves that’ll blast cellulite! Massage away dimples!

What exactly causes “orange peel skin”? “When circulatio­n gets sluggish, fat clumps up under the skin, making it look slightly lumpy,” explains physician Taz Bhatia, M.D. Luckily, a 15- minute DIY massage gets blood flowing—and smoothes out bumps! “Massage a detoxifyin­g citrus essential oil such as lemon or orange in the direction away from your heart.” Dilute first with almond oil. Try a supercharg­ed scrub! A coffee scrub helps break up fat cells and flush retained water, which is often the cause of bumpy skin, notes holistic health and beauty expert Julie Gabriel. To make her easy “Coffee Cellulite Mask,” just mix 1 cup water, 1 cup ground coffee and the leaves of 1 bag of green tea in a bowl. Add 10 drops grapefruit essential oil and 8 drops juniper essential oil and stir. Apply to problem areas, cover with plastic wrap, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse. ■ Tip: To really supercharg­e your scrub, take an Epsom salts bath first! Epsom salts are rich in magnesium, which draws out toxins and impurities, giving your scrub a headstart on improving blood flow and diminishin­g dimples!

Roll over!

Can erasing cellulite be as easy as “rolling over”? Yes, says exercise physiologi­st Sue Hitzmann. “Gently pressing your thighs over a foam roller helps smooth and ‘flatten’ cellulite cells.” ■ To do: Lie down and place a foam roller (such as Crown Sporting Goods Premium EVA Foam Roller: $14, Amazon.com) under your thighs. Slowly move your legs together and apart, like you’re doing jumping jacks, as you roll. Repeat for about five minutes daily.

2 Blast cellulite from the inside! Sip a skin-smoothing smoothie!

This delicious smoothie’s secret to melting cellulite? Pineapple, which is rich in fat-torching bromelain! “My patients who drink this a few times a week have noticed smoother skin in just six weeks!” says Dr. Taz. “I use distilled water because its purity helps pull out even more toxins from your skin.” Just place 2 cucumbers (chopped), 2 cups cold distilled water, 1 1/2 cups ice, 1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks, the juice of 1/2 a lemon and 1 tsp. raw honey in blender; blitz until smooth.

Go fish!

Studies confirm the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids—and you can add “cellulite-blasting” to its arsenal! Research shows regular supplement­ation with these healthy fats reduces the inflammati­on that contribute­s to cellulite, plus helps balance hormones (specifical­ly estrogen), an excess of which is linked to increased cellulite, notes naturopath Natasha Turner, N.D. Aim for 1,000 mg. to 1,200 mg. daily.

Beat bumpy skin with bananas!

Bananas are one of the best celluliteb­lasting foods because they’re rich in potassium, which reduces the water retention associated with dimpled skin by lowering sodium levels. Another reason to go bananas for bananas: “They boost blood flow, and healthy circulatio­n is the key to healthy skin, especially the reduced appearance of cellulite,” notes Turner.

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