Woman's World

She lost 65 lbs. at age 63!

You can use super-nutrient smoothies to detox off 20 lbs in 10 days!


How did a cleanse built around ordinary supermarke­t ingredient­s get so hot? By giving real women a stress-free way to melt millions and millions of pounds . . .

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse has been America’s number-one detox diet for four years running— and once people try it they can’t seem to stop raving. Proof: On Amazon, the cleanse boasts literally thousands more reviews than even the most famous diet books, and a whopping 92% of them are four- or fivestar ratings. Why so many stars and so much love? Simple. It’s a cleanse that gets phenomenal results with ordinary supermarke­t foods and surprising­ly little effort. “We have 400,000 folks actively doing the cleanse every day,” reveals author and nutrition pro JJ Smith. “Most people lose 10 to 20 pounds in 10 days.” That means by midMay, Smith expects her detox will have melted at least another four million pounds— a number that could shoot much higher thanks to Woman’s World readers. Because Smith has helped us create special menus built around smoothies and healthy meals favored by the women who’ve shed the most weight on her plan. How much can the turbocharg­ed Green Smoothie Cleanse help you lose? Here’s how to find out . . .

Quick-start guide

● What you eat

You’ll enjoy Smith’s fastest-acting smoothies for breakfast and lunch (recipes, right), snack on produce and protein-rich foods, then choose between another smoothie or a fatburning meal at dinner. That’s all there is to it!

Anti-hunger breakthrou­gh

New, breakthrou­gh research helps explain why so many folks say smoothies dramatical­ly shrink their appetites. British scientists using a cutting-edge type of MRI found that since it’s difficult for our bodies to separate a smoothie’s liquids from its solids, the drink takes longer to digest than if we ate the ingredient­s separately. That means smoothies linger in our systems, keeping us full and content far longer than many meals with substantia­lly

more calories!

● More ways smoothies slim

Smith says her smoothies basically work as an antidote to the processed junk that tends to make us gain weight in the first place. How? While processed food sends blood sugar soaring—spiking fat-storage hormones and causing thyroid-suppressin­g inflammati­on in the process— Smith’s smoothies contain about 15 grams of blood-sugar-stabilizin­g fiber apiece and enough healing antioxidan­ts and healthy fat to help reverse inflammati­on. And that’s just for starters. Processed food is stripped of countless nutrients that help us control weight naturally, so we often don’t get enough of them; Smith’s drinks deliver everything we’re missing and then some, including impressive doses of vitamin C, folate, omega-3s and more. “One smoothie has more slimming nutrients than a lot of people get in a week!” Smith says. She adds that the fiber in smoothies also acts as a “prebiotic,” feeding healthy bacteria in our digestive tracts proven to increase metabolism. ( Meanwhile, processed food feeds bacteria that increase fat storage.) On top of all that, smoothies are “quick to make, easy to spike with fat-burning ingredient­s and taste great— even to picky eaters,” Smith says. “They’re the perfect food to help you get lean.”

Real-world wow!

At age 63, “my original goal was to get into a size 14, but once I started the smoothie routine, the weight kept dropping, and I decided to see where my body wanted to

go,” recalls Deborah Herald, down 12 pounds in her first 10 days and 65 pounds in all. “Today, I can wear some size twos!” As for Maryland mom Jocelyn Fils-aime, 40, she couldn’t get the scale to budge for years— despite trying Weight Watchers, Atkins, Slim-fast and more. A friend told her about the Green Smoothie Cleanse. “My belly went from puffy to flat in just 10 days— and then it kept getting flatter and flatter. After no results for so long, I was shocked!” Jocelyn dropped 20 pounds in 30 days and 75 pounds in all. Then there’s Sandra Miles, 51. “JJ encourages everyone to take a ‘ before’ picture, and I was simply amazed by my transforma­tion in a short time. My waist was smaller, my face was slimmer, even the dark circles under my eyes were gone,” the South Carolina mom shares. “I have changed more than I ever thought was possible. By day five, I was already craving healthy foods. By day 10, I was down 15 pounds. And I’ve lost 115 pounds total. This plan works!”

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