Woman's World

Memory-boosting herb works in just 7 days!

More than a dozen studies prove that the right supplement can rev your focus, concentrat­ion and memory and keep your brain young while improving your health in other ways, too! Try:


1 Tocotrieno­ls . . . if your cholestero­l won’t drop

Tocotrieno­ls—members of the vitamin E family— nourish and energize neurons, helping you feel clear-headed and sharper in three weeks if you take 50 mg. daily, researcher­s say.

Bonus! These brain-boosting nutrients can also lower your total cholestero­l level 30%, reports the journal Atheroscle­rosis, by switching on liver enzymes that break down excess blood fats.

Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.

2 Vitamin B-12 . . . if you tend to be blue

Tufts University researcher­s estimate that up to 40% of us are struggling with a B-12 shortfall right now and don’t know it! Fortunatel­y, symptoms of a B-12 deficiency—brain fog, memory lapses and blue moods— disappear in as little as one month if you supplement with 1,000 mcg. daily. B-12 nourishes your nervous system, hippocampu­s and pineal gland, all of which must be in top form to keep your memory sharp and your moods on an even keel, says C.W. Randolph Jr., M.D., of Jacksonvil­le, Florida’s Ageless & Wellness Medical Center.

3 Huperzine A ... if you always feel tired

A daily 100-mcg. dose of the Chinese herb huperzine A sharpens memory and focus for up to 55% of women who try it, reports the journal Pure and Applied

Chemistry. Huperzine A blocks the breakdown of acetylchol­ine, a compound your neurons need to communicat­e quickly and easily, says study coauthor Don Bai, PH.D.

Bonus! Huperzine A also helps heart and muscle cells function at their peak, revving your energy and stamina in as little as 30 days, Chinese research reveals.

4 Ginkgo biloba . . . if you’re often anxious

This popular Asian remedy for menopausal brain fog boosts focus, concentrat­ion and memory 52% in one week, British studies show. That’s because ginkgo relaxes and opens arteries, increasing the flow of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to hardworkin­g brain nerves.

Bonus! The study-proven dose—180 mg. to 240 mg. daily— also tamps down your adrenal glands’ production of stress hormones, cutting feelings of edginess and anxiety as much as 79%.

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