Woman's World

You’re a LEFT BRAIN if you…

❏ Are detail-oriented and often think 10 steps ahead ❏ Tend to be a perfection­ist


Compartmen­talize for control!

As a practical, logical thinker, you gravitate toward tidy containers. Take full advantage of this tendency by thinking (slightly) outside the box, encourages Breininger. “Use containers in new ways,” she urges. “Why not drape an over-the-door shoe organizer on your bathroom door to store hair tools? Or use a kitchen lid rack organizer to store purses vertically on a closet shelf!”

Clear closets with “goal boxes”!

You’re forward-looking, which means you tend to hold on to stuff “just in case”—which can lead to clutter. An easy, fast way to help you decide what to toss and what to keep? “Ask yourself if your stuff serves clear goals,” suggests Silber. “Will I really use my old sneakers to get in shape? Will I wear that old suit again on a job interview? If the item doesn’t serve a concrete goal, it can go straight into the giveaway pile!”

Pare papers by creating zones!

Instead of chasing down stray papers, just create zones, suggests Silber. “Strategic left brains crave categories, which is why zones help them tame paper clutter fast. For example, create a mail zone at your entryway with a letter opener and a tray only for mail and bills. Create a craft zone with a basket only for craft paper and sewing patterns, and so on. Zones let you quickly spot what’s out of place without creating extra work!”

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— Kristina Mastrocola
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