Woman's World

Lose 7.5 lbs in 72 hours!

Slimming apple cider vinegar detox drink: ★ Blocks fattening blood-sugar spikes! Smith’s favorite is White House brand, sold at superstore­s. ★ Slims you down without dieting!


Why has a centurieso­ld home remedy suddenly become one of the most Googled weightloss trends ever? It all started when Japanese scientists found that obese adults given a drink made with apple cider vinegar could eat their normal foods and still shed 400% more weight than a group given a vinegar-free drink. Before long, Virginiaba­sed diet guru JJ Smith heard about the study, made a version of the drink for herself— and posted a video on Facebook about how quickly it flattened her belly. The clip went viral and has been viewed 18 million times, sending apple cider vinegar flying off shelves. Bloggers who’ve tried it say that the vinegar turbocharg­es any healthy approach to eating and has helped them shed up to 10 pounds a week. And experts like Dr. Oz and Arizona State University’s Carol Johnston, PH.D., R.D., confirm that apple cider vinegar

offers does caution proven that benefits. it should Johnston be diluted to be safely consumed. Adds Smith: “When folks ask me what it tastes like, I always say, ‘It tastes like results!’ ” Want to see for yourself? Here’s how . . .

Get started! ● Your vinegar Rx

Japanese scientists tested two tablespoon­s of apple cider vinegar a day; Smith sees best results with two to three daily. Take a tablespoon before each meal or, alternatel­y, before one meal and before bed. Mix the vinegar in at least a cup of liquid or add it to food so that undiluted acids don’t “burn your mouth or damage tooth enamel,” advises Johnston.

● Slimming brands to try

Go for “raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that has a cloudy look,” says Smith. “The cloudiness means it hasn’t been processed, so all of its nutritiona­l benefits are intact.” Bragg is the most popular brand;

● What you eat

You don’t need a special plan. Instead, incorporat­e apple cider vinegar into any healthy diet. It could be Smith’s 10Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, Weight Watchers, Atkins or a plan your doctor recommends. Another great idea: Just use common sense to create good-for-you meals you enjoy. We’ve got tasty ideas to get you started, below.

● How vinegar works magic

Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar slows digestion and blocks enzymes that convert starch into blood sugar. It’s a powerful one-two punch that reduces blood-sugar spikes and insulin levels by up to 81%, according to Arizona State findings. Insulin is a hormone that slows fat-burning and speeds belly-fat storage—so getting levels down makes the scale go down faster. One study also found that “vinegar is a natural appetite suppressan­t,” notes Johnston.

Another factor: Per NIH scientists, unfiltered apple cider vinegar delivers probiotics into our systems much like yogurt does.

Growing evidence from Harvard and other top universiti­es shows that probiotics boosts levels of slimming bacteria in our digestive tracts that reduce calorie absorption, speed metabolism and more! ● Real-world wow!

When we had Andrea Perschbach­er pair Smith’s apple cider vinegar detox drink with unlimited portions of healthy food, “I was a bit shocked to lose 7.5 pounds in 72 hours—but I’m not complainin­g,” says the Michigan reader, 25. “Even my skinny jeans got loose!” Virginia-based YouTube vlogger Taylor Chiles, 19, says that adding apple cider vinegar to her regimen helped her lose a quick 30 pounds. “And for the first time in my life, I’ve been able to keep the weight off!” Then there’s California mom Dianne Whitmire, 59. She was using Smith’s signature smoothie diet when she saw the apple cider vinegar video. “I figured why not try it?” She’s glad she did. “I started losing belly fat so much faster. You put a little vinegar in your water bottle and it becomes your secret weapon. I tell everyone about it!” All told, Dianne has shed 120 pounds in just 10 months.

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