Woman's World

Get paid to be a princess!


Ever dream of being a princess? Well, you can—and get paid in the process! That’s because princess parties are a hot trend for little girls, and parents are hiring folks to don royal attire and delight their kids. Here’s how to get started: ● Get into character!

Be the hit of the kiddie party as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or another royal, and you could earn from $50 to $200 an hour! “Becoming” a princess will be job one, says Stacy Papasavas, owner of My Fairytale Party (Myfairytal­eparty.com), who started out learning how to transform herself into just two characters. If you’re not a natural with makeup, she recommends going to Sephora or a MAC counter for a lesson and bring photos for reference. You can also watch tutorials by dope2111 on Youtube.com. “She looks absolutely nothing like the characters, such as Ice Queen, that she transforms herself into!” Papasavas started with readymade costumes, which you can find online, but now she has them custom-made. Tip: To drum up business, look for Facebook party-planning pages in your area and join a moms group. Also smart? Volunteer to entertain at a few friends’ parties to spread the word to other parents.

● Give your act “flow”!

Keeping the party moving— and the kids smiling—is the key to success. To start, Papasavas advises loosening up little partygoers by performing—singing a song, say. Then segue to some lively dancealong­s or a structured activity like face painting. Wind down with story time before cake is served. Tip: If the birthday child is shy, never force her to participat­e. Instead try: “I’m so excited I get to be a part of your party—i’ve come such a long way! If you want to join in, I’ll be doing some activities over there with your friends.”

● Make it magical!

“Kids have good listening ears when they want to,” says Papasavas, “so stay in character the whole time to make it a believable magical experience. Never let anything annoy you or show on your face.” To avoid breaking character, tell parents what to expect ahead of time and ask for furniture to be cleared or tables set up for your activity.

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