Woman's World

Make this your happiest, healthiest summer ever!

Right now, 65% of us are wishing we felt more energetic and upbeat, so we could truly enjoy this wonderful time of year. What’s dragging us down? An uptick in temperatur­e, humidity and activity! Can you nix summer tiredness and feel sunny again? Yes!

- — Brenda Kearns

✓ Boost dopamine with B’s

Taking a B complex supplement in summer will rev your energy, stamina and moods 43% or more, say University of Washington pros. Your brain needs B’s to make the fatigue-fighting hormone dopamine, yet B’s are water-soluble, so they’re lost rapidly when you perspire. Try: Twinlab Stress B-complex ($14 for 100 capsules, Vitaminsho­ppe.com).

Important: Check with an M.D. before starting a new supplement.

✓ Up endorphins by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g

Doing yoga for 30 minutes daily cuts the risk of summer dragginess, irritabili­ty and anxiety 45%—but that’s quite a time commitment! A faster fix: Whenever you feel tired or stressed, pause to stretch your spine. This kickstarts production of the brain’s mood-boosting, energizing endorphins, halving sluggishne­ss, irritabili­ty and anxiety for 90 minutes. Just stand in a comfortabl­e spot, reach both arms above your head and clasp them together. Next, lift your right shoulder as high as possible (so you feel a good stretch in that arm, shoulder blade and down the right side of your rib cage). Hold for 15 seconds; switch sides. Repeat.

✓ Bolster zinc with burgers and steak

Zinc switches on at least 300 enzymes that help you feel upbeat and focused, plus it speeds healing of sunburn, strained muscles and other aches. But if you’ve been focusing on fresh salads and in-season fruit, you’re likely zinc-deficient! Red meat has the most easily absorbed form of zinc, so if it’s not a part of your summer meals, you may not be getting enough. Simply eat 8 oz. of red meat weekly— or take 25 mg. daily— and your risk of summer doldrums (and slow-healing injuries) will plunge 50%.

✓ Control blood sugar with quinoa

Six studies show eating 3/4 cup of quinoa daily revs your energy, outlook and overall health. “Quinoa is rich in essential minerals that heighten blood-sugar control, help your muscles burn fat for energy and improve your ability to digest and absorb your food,” explains Josh Axe, D.N.M.

✓ Move more easily with pomegranat­es

Drinking 2 cups of pomegranat­e juice weekly tamps down muscle and joint aches as effectivel­y as Advil and similar OTC painkiller­s, thanks to ellagic acid, a natural anti-inflammato­ry. (Ellagic acid also acts as a natural sunscreen blocking out 26% of the sun’s damaging UV rays!)

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