Woman's World

Protect him from prostate cancer

- — Brenda Kearns


father, brother, partner or son . . . if there’s a man in your life who you want to keep healthy, that means helping him avoid prostate cancer, the incidence of which has been increasing. Luckily, a few simple lifestyle tweaks can protect your loved ones and give you a health boost, too! ● Soak up some sun Men who spend 30 minutes outdoors daily without sunscreen are half as likely to develop prostate cancer, reports the Interna- tional Journal of Cancer. “Sun exposure helps your skin produce vitamin D-3, a nutrient that forces cancer cells to selfdestru­ct,” says study coauthor Rebecca Gilbert, PH.D. Or take 2,000 IU daily. ■ Great news for you: That same dose of D-3 strengthen­s your joints, halving your arthritis risk! ● Brew more coffee Drinking four cups of regular or decaf coffee daily cuts a man’s prostate cancer risk 60%. Coffee contains chlorogeni­c acid, a compound that prods abnormal prostate cells to behave normally.

■ Great news for you: Chlorogeni­c acid ups insulin sensitivit­y, reducing your Type 2 diabetes risk 25%! ● Serve a side of coleslaw The cabbage in coleslaw boasts compounds that destroy precancers, the reason 1/2 cup daily is linked to a 38% drop in prostate cancer risk, say Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center pros. ■ Great news for you: Eating 1/2 cup of cabbage daily cuts your risk of clogged arteries— and heart disease— 30%! ● Walk briskly Taking a daily brisk 25-minute walk cuts a man’s prostate cancer risk 41%, per Harvard experts. Exercise burns blood sugar, the fuel that powers the spread of prostate cancer. ■ Great news for you: Daily jaunts cut your odds of dementia 25%! ● Getting more Zzzs Help him fit in eight hours of sleep each night, and his prostate cancer risk will fall 38%! Sleep is peak time for melatonin release, which helps your immune system destroy cancer cells. ■ Great news for you: Sleeping that same amount cuts your depression risk 62%!

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