Woman's World

Natural headache relief

More natural health news Few things drain the fun out of a great day faster than a throbbing head. Luckily, easy strategies can tame (and even prevent!) the discomfort

- —Brenda Kearns

Sinus headache? Press here

If your cheeks, eyes or teeth ache, your sinuses may be to blame. The good news: Canadian researcher­s say stimulatin­g nerves that improve sinus drainage can ease pain in seconds. To do: Using your thumbs, apply pressure just below your eyebrows, near the bridge of your nose, while pressing your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth. Hold for 20 seconds; release.

Tension headache? Try mint massage

To ease the dull ache and sensation of scalp pressure that marks tension headaches, Fred Pescatore, M.D., suggests massaging your temples, forehead and the back of your neck with five drops of peppermint essential oil diluted in 1 tsp. of olive oil. Compounds in the oil calm overactive pain nerves, relieving pain as effectivel­y as aspirin!

TMJ headache? Loosen your jaw

Head and jaw pain are signs that the muscles controllin­g your TMJ ( temporoman­dibular joint; which connects the jaw and skull) are tight. A two-minute massage can cut pain by 55%—and doing it twice daily helps prevent pain. To do: Using circular motions, massage from your ears down along your jawline and across your cheekbones.

Migraine? Get icy

Placing an ice pack across the base of the throat for 30 minutes slashes pain in 77% of migraine sufferers, according to a University of Hawaii study. How? Cooling the blood flowing through the neck acts as a powerful natural analgesic.

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