Woman's World

Simple ways to prevent diabetes

Over the past 20 years, incidence of Type 2 diabetes has risen 90%— but research shows that a few small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in the body’s ability to restore proper insulin production and dodge the condition altogether. Health exper


Drinking this coffee

Your morning cup of joe can cut diabetes risk by 25%. Researcher­s credit a polyphenol

(chlorogeni­c acid) that delays the absorption of glucose in the body. The ideal amount over the course of a morning: three to four cups, preferably light roast. “Lighter roasts tend to contain more polyphenol­s because extended roasting can degrade the antioxidan­ts found in the bean,” says nutrition expert Max Lugavere, author of

Genius Foods. If caffeine makes you jittery, decaf works too!

Moving for 30

For people at risk of Type 2 diabetes, exercise is more effective at preventing the condition than Rx meds. That’s the finding of a 10-year study in which 30 minutes of daily exercise paired with a healthy diet cut risk by 58%; medication cut risk by just 31%. Experts say exercise switches on enzymes that keep blood sugar steady.

Swapping detergents

Women with high internal levels of phthalates (chemicals in many scented laundry products) are twice as likely to develop diabetes. “Phthalates are hormone disrupters that throw off insulin, which ups the risk of having high bloodsugar levels,” says Michelle Schoffro Cook, PH.D. Her advice: Switch to unscented.

Taking COQ10!

Supplement­ing with 100 mg. of COQ10 daily regulates blood sugar and cuts insulin resistance by 170% in two months, slashing diabetes risk, a study in the European Journal of Nutrition shows. Note: Check with your doctor before starting supplement­s. —Katherine Kluznik

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