Woman's World

What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

Like sugar- coated nostalgia, the tantalizin­g treats that make this holiday so sweet appeal to your inner child— and the one you find most irresistib­le reveals your playful, fun-loving traits


If you prefer…

Milky Way or Snickers: You’re a challenge-seeking leader!

From nougat to caramel, your candy bar of choice is chock-full of flavors and textures. So it makes perfect sense that you’re multifacet­ed and love biting off — almost—more than you can chew! Craving challenges and seeking a wide variety of experience­s to enrich your world, you’re constantly adding to your impressive roster of accomplish­ments.

M&M’S: You’re an “imagineer”!

Perfectly portable and completely colorful, this sweet spectrum complement­s your on-the- go lifestyle and creative flair. Whether you’re conjuring spooky décor or designing a house of horrors for ghoulish guests, you’re brimming with ideas.

Kit Kats: You’re an open-minded thinker!

Crispy yet light as air, the mouthwater­ing dichotomy that defines your favorite sweet reflects your duality: Outgoing yet contemplat­ive, you savor new ideas like trick- or-treaters do candy and are inspired by wide-ranging viewpoints and eclectic opinions.

Candy corn: You’re a sunny optimist!

The happy hues that distinguis­h this classic choice mirror your warmth and idealism. Just as you reach for what is arguably the most iconic Halloween candy, so do you celebrate everything that makes the holiday special, from donning a boo-tiful ensemble to giving out handfuls of treats to the costumed contingent at your door.

Peanut butter cups: You’re a poised problem-solver!

This creamy-smooth flavor profile hints at your sensitivit­y. Your patience and eye for detail let you resolve problems easily, whether you’re fixing a costume malfunctio­n on the fly or pinpointin­g the most efficient trick-or-treating route for the little goblins in your life.

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