Woman's World

Surprising ways to keep your vision sharp

Most of us spend nearly 13 hours a day looking at a screen, according to a recent poll. Thankfully, science-proven tricks relieve tired eyes in seconds

- —K.E. Kluznik

✓ Look out the window

“Near-focus” tasks like looking at a computer cut your blink rate in half, leading to dry eyes and even corneal damage. “Each time you blink, a coat of tears is applied to the cornea,” says James M. Stringham, PH.D., a research scientist at Duke Eye Center. “Blinking is like using windshield wipers: It wipes the window clean so you can see clearly.” The simple to-do: Every 20 minutes, look into your yard for 20 seconds, blinking 20 times.

✓ Add a squeeze of lemon

Ever notice that some days, your vision is worse than other days? Scientists now know why—and their intriguing research suggests that simply sipping a glass of lemonade might almost instantly improve vision for more than 75% of us. Turns out, eyes are one of the first areas in the body to suffer when we’re mildly dehydrated, making tears less slippery and causing corneas to crinkle, temporaril­y distorting both near and distance vision. Tip: Sip 8 oz. of water with a healthy squeeze of lemon. Research shows that high levels of vitamin C in the citrus slash the risk of eye complaints by 57%.

✓ Turn up ambient lighting

A surprising cause of eye damage: Looking at a backlit screen in the dark— or even in a dimly lit room! Low lighting causes pupils to open wide, Dr. Stringham explains, allowing more high-energy blue light to reach the backs of the eyes and overload the delicate cells of the retina. “Turn up room lights,” he advises. “The pupils will constrict, significan­tly reducing the blue light getting into your eyes.”

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