Yuma Sun

CCS shelter does good works


I was so happy to see the article in the paper about the CCS shelter.

I always wondered why this place never got recognized for the good they do.

I brought this place to the attention of our park residents here at Mountain Cactus Ranch about a year ago, and our residents really stepped up to the plate with donations. Some residents have gone shopping and spent well over $100 each buying shampoos, laundry soap, socks, women’s products, color books etc.

Some residents have bought little cars, tiny dolls etc that the children can carry with them and if they’re having a moment, they can reach into their pocket and pull out their pocket buddy.

CCS is amazing, they accept everything, coffee pots , electric fry pans, etc. Anything to help set up a home for someone.

Numerous boxes of clothes have been donated also.

If you’re at a garage sale and you see something someone could use for Pete’s sake spend the quarter and buy it.

If you have had a garage sale and have items left over, why not donate it to CCS?

I hope after seeing the article in the paper more people will want to take their slightly used items to CCS so some family that is forced to start over can at least have the basic things needed to make a house a home.

Unless you personally have been in that position, you have no idea how grateful people are when they receive even the smallest things.

A special thank you to Debbie who greets me with a smile every time I bring donations to them.

Thank you to the residents of our park for all of your donations. I hope next fall other RV parks will put the word out to their residents, what a great place CCS is. MARGARET HOPPER Yuma

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