Yuma Sun

Travel ruling paves way for more refugees; Feds appeal to high court


WASHINGTON — A court decision on President Donald Trump’s travel ban has reopened a window for tens of thousands of refugees to enter the United States, and the government is looking to quickly close it.

The administra­tion late Friday appealed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal judge in Hawaii ordered it to allow in refugees formally working with a resettleme­nt agency in the United States.

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson also vastly expanded the list of U.S. family relationsh­ips that refugees and visitors from six Muslim-majority countries can use to get into the country, including grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren.

In its appeal, the U.S. Justice Department said Watson’s interpreta­tion of the Supreme Court’s ruling on what family relationsh­ips qualify refugees and visitors from the six Muslim-majority countries to enter the U.S. “empties the court’s decision of meaning, as it encompasse­s not just ‘close’ family members, but virtually all family members. Treating all of these relationsh­ips as ‘close familial relationsh­ip(s)’ reads the term ‘close’ out of the Court’s decision.”

Only the Supreme Court can decide these issues surroundin­g the travel ban, the Justice Department said. “Only this Court can definitive­ly settle whether the government’s reasonable implementa­tion is consistent with this Court’s stay,” it said.

Watson’s ruling Thursday was the latest twist in a long, tangled legal fight that will culminate with arguments before the nation’s high court in October.

It could help more than 24,000 refugees who had already been vetted and approved by the United States but would have been barred by the 120-day freeze on refugee admissions, said Becca Heller, director of the Internatio­nal Refugee Assistance Project, a resettleme­nt agency.

“Many of them had already sold all of their belongings to start their new lives in safety,” she said. “This decision gives back hope to so many who would otherwise be stranded indefinite­ly.”

Citing a need to review its vetting process to ensure national security, the administra­tion capped refugee admissions at 50,000 for the 12-month period ending Sept. 30, a ceiling it hit this week.

The federal budget can accommodat­e up to 75,000 refugees, but admissions have slowed under Trump, and the government could hold them to a trickle, resettleme­nt agencies say.

“Absolutely this is good news for refugees, but there’s a lot of uncertaint­y,” said Melanie Nezer, spokeswoma­n for HIAS, a resettleme­nt agency. “It’s really going to depend on how the administra­tion reacts to this.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the administra­tion will ask the Supreme Court to weigh in, bypassing the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has ruled against it in the case.

The Supreme Court allowed a scaled-back version of the travel ban to take effect last month.

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