Yuma Sun



• The Cowboy Hall of Fame is planning events for its 60th anniversar­y on Persimmon Hill in Oklahoma City. What an era in America. However, it recently occurred to me that the Wild West would’ve been a lot less violent if the cowboy architects had made the towns big enough for everybody.

• President Trump nominated cybersecur­ity expert Kirsten Nielsen to be his Homeland Security Secretary. The post was vacant over a month and it showed. In response to the recent outbreak of Bird Flu overseas, President Trump just banned all immigrants from the Canary Islands.

• Senate Republican­s negotiated options to Obamacare with each other while President Trump threatened to negotiate with Democrats in order to reduce health care costs. As it’s turned out, Obamacare gives you a choice in your health care coverage. You can sell your house or buy the farm.

• The Pentagon budget request to Congress includes funding for U.S. wars in Afghanista­n, Syria and Iraq. We just love to fight. If you don’t think the world tells America jokes, we are a country that produces citizens who’ll cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won’t cross the street to vote.

• Senate Democrats and anti-gun advocates debated furiously with NRA spokespeop­le and GOP lawmakers on cable news over anti-gun legislatio­n. Their premise is, if we make guns illegal, nobody will get shot anymore. That’s how we stopped everybody from doing drugs.

• Hillary Clinton made the talk show rounds last week plugging her book “What Happened” and claiming in interview after interview that sexism played a big role in her defeat. It’s everywhere. Women were just allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, a year after cars were allowed to drive themselves.

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