Yuma Sun

Senators are quitters, not heroes


I must disagree with your Saturday October 28, 2017, guest columnist Blair Bess when asked “Where are the rest of the Republican heroes?”

Senators Flake and Corker are not heroes, they are quitters. Senator Flake, like the other 99 members of the Senate as well as all members of the House of Representa­tives ran for, campaigned for, got elected and was sent to Washington to work with others to look for, identify and to solve problems that face this great nation. Corker and Flake simply put, could not handle the heat so they are bailing out of the kitchen. For Jeff Flake to take to the floor of the U.S. Senate, he has shown to one and all his total lack of respect for the position we the voters honored him with.

Granted, Donald Trump is not the most polished politician to ever be elected president. Could that be because our president, Jeff Flake and Bob Corker’s president, is not a quote – unquote “politician?” Could it be that Donald Trump was elected to make changes in Washington, DC? Could it be that Donald Trump’s leadership style is different from Barack Obama’s style? Did Jeff Flake not have a problem with Obama? Where was Jeff Flake’s Senate floor speech back then? By his choice of words, Jeff Flake demonstrat­ed that he too has an unpolished side. I believe, at least in Jeff Flake’s case, he saw the writing on the wall, Steve Bannon had Jeff Flake in his crosshairs and Jeff Flake pretty much knew he could not win another primary race.

So, I say to guest columnist Blair Bess, who is based in Los Angeles by the way, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake are not heroes, they are quitters. You want a hero in Congress? Check out Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Yes, I know it’s only a movie, but Mr. Smith never backed down. GREGORY GARDNER Yuma

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