Yuma Sun

Only thing Google has to fear is becoming too big


Google and Apple are the two largest companies in the United States. Like many large corporatio­ns they are seen as apples for the plucking by attorneys. Recently, an employee of Google sued his corporatio­n for creating a hostile workplace. This employee was fired over a memo he presented to Google stating the company favors women and certain minorities. Those minorities were not midgets.

Having worked in industry, most of my working career, I have watched personal clicks develop. I watched Italians come into upper management and bring their friends and past colleagues with them. I’ve also watched Jews take over a corporatio­n. When they failed I’ve seen Masons take their place. These changes in upper management are a constant thing, if they are not making money. When the money stops the shareholde­rs will relieve upper management of their duties and bring in another team. This is one of the great things of capitalism. Presidents of corporatio­ns that are primarily programmin­g and computer-based could be from India or even the homosexual community which are men. Both of these two groups could rub women and straight men wrong. Make no mistake, if the money is coming in, corporatio­ns will be reluctant to change this upper management group no matter what.

The only thing that Google has to fear is becoming too large and attempting to rub the general population the wrong way. Lest Google ever forget what happened to the train industry when they decided they were bigger than the government or the telephone industry, what happened to them when they decided they could initiate their own foreignpol­icy? Congress is a very jealous leader. RED CHANDLER Yuma

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