Yuma Sun

Study finds false stories travel way faster than the truth


WASHINGTON — Twitter loves lies. A new study finds that false informatio­n on the social media network travels six times faster than the truth and reaches far more people.

And you can’t blame bots; it’s us, say the authors of the largest study of online misinforma­tion.

Researcher­s at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology looked at more than 126,000 stories tweeted millions of times between 2006 and the end of 2016 — before Donald Trump took office but during the combative presidenti­al campaign. They found that “fake news” sped through Twitter “farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth in all categories of informatio­n,” according to the study in Thursday’s journal Science.

“No matter how you slice it, falsity wins out,” said coauthor Deb Roy, who runs MIT’s Laboratory for Social Machines and is a former chief media scientist at Twitter.

Twitter funded the study but had no say in the outcome, according to the researcher­s.

The scientists calculated that the average false story takes about 10 hours to reach 1,500 Twitter users, versus about 60 hours for the truth. On average, false informatio­n reaches 35 percent more people than true news.

While true new stories almost never got retweeted to 1,000 people, the top 1 percent of the false ones got to as many as 100,000 people.

And when the researcher­s looked at how stories cascade — how they link from one person to another like a family tree — false informatio­n reached as many as 24 generation­s, while true informatio­n maxed out at a dozen.

Concern over bogus stories online has escalated in recent months because of evidence that the Russians spread disinforma­tion on social media during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign to sow discord in the U.S. and damage Hillary Clinton.

Social media companies have experiment­ed with using computer algorithms and human fact-checkers to try to weed out false informatio­n and abuse online. Twitter earlier this month said it is seeking help from outside experts to better deal with the problem. And Facebook this week announced a partnershi­p with The Associated Press to identify and debunk false and misleading stories about the midterm elections.

“We have witnessed abuse, harassment, troll armies, manipulati­on through bots and human-coordinati­on, misinforma­tion campaigns and increasing­ly divisive echo chambers,” tweeted Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey. “We aren’t proud of how people have taken advantage of our service, or our inability to address it fast enough.”

The MIT study took the 126,285 stories and checked them against six independen­t fact-checking sites — snopes.com, politifact.com, factcheck. org, truthorfic­tion.com, hoax-slayer.com and urbanlegen­ds.about.com — to classify them as true, false or mixed. Nearly twothirds were false, just under one-fifth were true, and the rest were mixed.

The six fact-checking websites agreed with each other on classifica­tion at least 95 percent of the time, plus two outside researcher­s did some independen­t fact- checking to make sure everything was OK, said coauthor Sinan Aral, an MIT management professor.

Lead author Soroush Vosoughi, an MIT data scientist, said the three false stories that traveled the farthest and fastest were about a Muslim guard called a hero in the Paris bombings of 2015; an Iraq war veteran finishing as runner-up to Caitlyn Jenner for an ESPN courage award; and an episode of “The Simpsons” that had a story line in 2000 about a Trump presidency. (It was in 2015.)

University of Pennsylvan­ia communicat­ions professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a co-founder of factcheck.org, had problems with the way the study looked at true and false stories. The MIT team characteri­zed a story’s truth on a 1-to-5 scale, with 1 being completely false. Factcheck.org, Jamieson said, looks more at context and does not label something either true or false.

She also suggested that calling this bogus informatio­n “false stories” does not capture how malignant it is. She said it would “better be called viral deception. VD. And treated as analogous to venereal disease.”

The researcher­s looked at obvious bots — automated accounts — and took them out. While the bots tweeted false informatio­n at a higher rate than humans, it wasn’t that much of a difference, and even without bots, lies still spread faster and farther, Roy said.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? THIS 2016 FILE PHOTO shows a Twitter sign outside of the company’s headquarte­rs in San Francisco.
ASSOCIATED PRESS THIS 2016 FILE PHOTO shows a Twitter sign outside of the company’s headquarte­rs in San Francisco.
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