Yuma Sun

Jaywalking a problem all over Yuma


This is a followup letter about jaywalkers and school children crossing streets. Some of the children are teens, almost grown, but by this time they should know better when crossing a street. It’s almost like that sign I see painted on the back of cars and trucks: “no fear.” It’s almost like they are playing chicken, taking a dare, as one youngster told me who lives near Cibola High School. I guess they don’t realize that a two- or three-ton auto can’t stop on a dime.

Myself, I drive in that area because I live off 18th Street, and I make it a point to be extra wary if going toward Avenue C. And now, most of the time, I just avoid that area until after 3 p.m. after school lets out. That are on 18th Street just a few yards west of Avenue C is a real hazard at about 3 p.m. and the autos there to pick up their own children are not any better off, will pull right out in front of autos going either way. It is a hindrance to normal flowing traffic. My opinion is, they need a monitor out there most of the time after school begins to let out. I have written a letter to the principal of the high school but it seems to fall on deaf ears.

About jaywalkers I see every day around Yuma in different places, these persons are adults but don’t seem to care, will be 20 or 30 feet away from a crosswalk, but will step off the curb and start walking in an angle to get to the other side. Fourth Avenue is the worst, and at night time people wear dark clothing and the area is poorly lit, and drivers like me have to be extra vigilant. Other problem, some people don’t obey the traffic lights, and will start walking in the cross walk when the light is red.

A former police officer once told me Yuma had the worst drivers, and it isn’t just winter visitors who seem to get the blame most of the time, just people who seem to think they are an exception to the rule. DENNIS RUSSELL Yuma

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