Yuma Sun

Time to show compassion amid heated feelings


I’m not going to get into the current “political” situation again. I just want to talk about “immigrants” as a whole, through personal experience, not necessaril­y as a political issue.

But firstly, I’d like to reference Saturday’s letter-writer who said “these kids have no education or job skills .... ”. When their ages range from infant to teenager, of course they have no job skills! I’d bet that most of them were brought here to eventually gain such skills.

I really want to acknowledg­e the many immigrants from “south of the border” that I’ve met, in several states, over many years. Without exception, they’ve been honest and hard-working. In NJ I saw them standing on a designated street corner at 6 a.m., offering their services in many capacities. Those that I know were hired proved themselves to be extremely able, in work ranging from home-maintenanc­e to gardening to child-care.

Some were compensate­d “legally” and paid their U.S. taxes; others were not but still offered a good day’s work for their labors. The point is, they wanted to “earn their keep.” I’m sure there are many who don’t have such work ethics, just as many “legal” citizens don’t.

The point is, these are human beings, mainly trying to improve their lots. They cannot be lumped into a single category of “illegal bums.”

Let’s show compassion during this time of heated feelings, on both sides of the political aisle. ANN BIRD Foothills

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