Yuma Sun

Rights and wrongs no longer matter today


Where I’ve always believed that a gentleman offends nobody, this seldom seems to apply today. Especially when we turn on our TVs and we hear all the name calling and filth being applied. What an example the liberals of this country are setting for the young generation coming up, I say. It’s as though they cannot wait for the day where we will no longer be given a clue as to the words being applied, but rather they’re being spoken aloud.

Where Christ stated that it’s not what goes into a man’s body which defiles him but rather what comes out. The liberals I speak of would not understand this. Those whom I speak of would not understand this. Those whom I speak of are vile and corrupt and obviously have little fear of they’re one day answering to their wrongdoing.

As for those so-called comics and a lot of the Hollywood trash which is responsibl­e for setting today’s trends. What they are doing in reality is working toward the day where all speech could be silenced.

As for you pastors or men of the cloth today whom are sincere and are in the ministry for the right reason. My heart goes out to you in my knowing as to what you are having to deal with. A lost and confused generation which at times seems as if there is little hope for.

We are living in a world where there are no longer rights nor wrongs, but rather only that which appeases mankind.


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