Yuma Sun



• American Heritage magazine claimed public schools are forsaking their obligation to instruct kids on American history. A new report says only 12 percent of high school seniors can pass a basic U.S. history exam. That’s the lowest percentage since our country was founded in 1922.

• NBC will air a sitcom this fall called “Abby’s” about a bar that doesn’t allow cell phones. Comedy is the best reflector of an era. After my first “Tonight Show” shot in 1980, NBC gave me a sitcom developmen­t deal but they turned down the show idea I pitched called Comedians in Cars Doing Blow.

• Mexico’s new Interior Minister is considerin­g legalizing all drugs and the idea is spreading to California. Last week I saw cops arresting a guy in Santa Monica for snorting coke on a street corner. They’ll look the other way on cocaine but the plastic straw could get you six months in county.

Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood and a speaker. His email address is argus@argushamil­ton.com.

Only positive regards are my sentiments re: John McCain. Politics has no place at this time. He has spent his life serving this country, from his years as a captive during a war to his time as a long, faithful politician. Both with his thoughts of the U.S.A.

God bless John McCain.

Kelli Ward’s comment on John McCain wanting to hurt her campaign is one of the most classless remarks. Here is an American hero being attacked in the name of politics. Sad! Kelli Ward has lost my support and vote. Is this what politics has come to represent?

I believe the remarks made by Andrew Cuomo, Democrat governor of N.Y., about our great America, is a good example, of a bad example, on how an American-elected governor should conduct and present himself to citizens of not only his state, but also the citizens of our great country. I was totally shocked to hear him say “America was never great.” What’s sad is, the whole world was listening. When I hear the hateful rhetoric, coming from both sides of the aisle, it brings to mind the British philosophe­r, social critic, and political activist, Bertrand Russell who said, “Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed.”

Perhaps what is needed is what the military has, an article 133. “Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.” Punishable by a court martial. Article 133 pertains to both male and female officers. Google it. I have been around many people in my travels, such as these, higher than thou politician­s, that become very small trying to be big. I learned not to stand too close because of the danger of getting hit while they reach back to pat themselves on the back. It is common knowledge that one passes a lot of people on the way up but pass even more on the way down. Few work to get to the top. Some “know somebody” who helps with the first step in the door. I really don’t believe there are many who like working with the bosses’ son or daughter. The only time success is ahead of work is in the dictionary.

Bob Dylan sang, “there’s no success like failure, and failure’s no success at all.” When failure comes in the big stage arena, a book usually follows. What the authors miss is which bridge to cross, and which to burn. I learned some time ago at an AA meeting, when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. Lily Tomlin, the actress/comedian, once said, “The trouble with the rat race is even if you win, you’re still a rat.” The late Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, “Fairness is what justice really is.”

I hope Americans vote with our Great America on our minds.

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