Yuma Sun

Court: Ariz. cities can require minimum worker benefits


PHOENIX — The state Court of Appeals has slapped down efforts by Republican lawmakers to block local government­s from mandating that private employers provide workers with even more fringe benefits than required by state law.

In a unanimous ruling Tuesday, the judges said it was clear that when voters adopted the state’s first wage law in 2006 they wanted to give local government­s the power to go above and beyond the bare minimums in that initiative. And they said that includes not just wages — now $11 an hour — but also any requiremen­t for benefits, whether that’s time off or even health insurance.

Tuesday’s ruling is a setback for the Arizona Restaurant Associatio­n and its Republican allies in the state Legislatur­e who approved the law the appellate judges found illegal. Associatio­n lobbyists, unable to block the minimum wage law in the first place, sought to at least trim the ability of cities and counties to impose even more requiremen­ts on them.

But appellate Judge Jennifer Campbell said the Voter Protection Act in the Arizona Constituti­on precludes lawmakers from tinkering with what has been approved at the ballot. And she rejected as not making sense arguments by Attorney General Mark Brnovich, seeking to defend the law, that somehow when voters authorized local government­s to regulate minimum wages and benefits that they really didn’t intend for that to extend to actual fringe benefits.

There was no immediate response from Brnovich on whether he will seek Supreme Court review.

But unless Tuesday’s ruling is overturned it paves the way for local government­s to consider what kinds of requiremen­ts they want to put on private employers, above and beyond what already is mandated statewide.

There already have been discussion­s in that direction.

Regina Romero, a member of the Tucson city council, has been pushing for years to require employers in the city to offer paid parental leave.

Romero told Capitol Media Services on Tuesday that, for the moment, she is content with the city having adopted a policy of six weeks off for its own employees. She said, though, the hopes is that private employers to follow suit, particular­ly in a place like Tucson which Romero describes as a “lowwage city.”

But if they do not, Romero, who is a supporter of what she calls a “working family agenda,” said the council may have to force the issue.

It is precisely that kind of local law, pushed by then-Rep. J.D. Mesnard, RChandler, that the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e sought to prevent.

Mesnard opposed both the original 2006 initiative that set the state’s first-ever minimum wage at something higher than required by federal law, as well as the 2016 initiative that increased it further. Employers now must pay at least $11 an hour as compared with the $7.25 figure set by Congress.

The 2016 initiative also requires employers to provide at least three days of paid personal leave. Those laws also specifical­ly empower local government­s to regulate minimum wages and benefits as long as they do not provide for a wage lower than what voters approved.

Having been approved by voters, Mesnard and his GOP colleagues are powerless to block communitie­s from imposing their own minimum wages. But Mesnard, seeking to limit the effect of the measure, wrote a law to redefine “wages” — the thing that the state cannot preempt because it was approved at the ballot — to include only the salaries being paid to workers.

His measure defined everything else as “nonwage compensati­on,” ranging from sick pay, vacation pay and severance benefits to commission­s, pension contributi­ons and maternity leave. More to the point, the legislatio­n dictated that local government­s cannot approve any forms of “nonwage compensati­on” beyond what is already required by law.

Legislativ­e Democrats who opposed the law filed suit challengin­g the change.

In seeking to defend the law, Brnovich conceded that the law does allow cities to set their own minimum wages and benefits.

But he argued that the word “benefits” somehow does not apply to things like paid time off but instead only “the advantage or privilege something gives.”

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