Yuma Sun

Letters to the Editor


Disrespect becoming too commonplac­e

The recent incidents in both Brooklyn and Harlem of New York law enforcemen­t officers being doused with buckets of water while walking away from residents is yet another show of disrespect that has become all too commonplac­e. These actions should outrage any law abiding citizen.

The atmosphere of progressiv­e policies implemente­d by Mayor Bill de Blasio has not only fostered an atmosphere of disrespect and lawlessnes­s that is pervasive in New York City, but has ultimately permeated the fabric of a number of metropolit­an localities across our nation.

When law enforcemen­t doesn’t have the backing of elected officials, this is the outcome that one can expect. Pandering politician­s are feckless instrument­s of governance.

Where is Rudy Giuliani when you need him? RUSTY WASHUM Yuma

Voters should have voted for higher sales tax

I wish the voters of Yuma would have voted to increase the sales tax to provide for better roads and higher pay for police and fire. But the majority of Yuma voters did not. So after the city administra­tion and council figured out a way to give police, fire, and city employees pay raises the other shoe drops. Property taxes have to increase to continue the increased employee pay. The city leaders cite the property tax increase on a home of “x” value as if a property tax bill contains only one line item. But the tax bill contains many line items for primary and secondary taxes for which most if not all will be increasing. So once again property tax owners have to support the insatiable appetite of government and education to max tax a segment of the population. GEORGE BLACKWELL Yuma

Thoughts on Democrats, Antifa, deep state

Many of us, particular­ly those who have lived a long time and have witnessed the many changes that have taken place over the years, have come to the conclusion that not all of those changes are the result of what could be called natural evolution, but rather are the result of efforts by those referred to as elitists (often called the “deep state”), and by self serving politician­s seeking to gain/keep power.

Those in the deep state, most of them wealthy (and as a result influentia­l) want to destroy our representa­tive republic, rendering us to mediocrity — just one country among the many, controlled by a one world government, which of course they control. What they are trying to do isn’t new; it’s simply a more sophistica­ted version of what has happened before, and what history shows us has resulted in the destructio­n of once great nations.

Abraham Lincoln once said, to paraphrase, that the destructio­n of this nation could only occur from within. He was correct, and look who is among those who are “aiding and abetting” the globalist movement — Antifa — many of their activities being funded, directly or indirectly, by George Soros. They are being used to cause hate and discontent, but claim to be protesting against facism — too dumb to know they are simply useful idiots — being used. I’ll wager most of them don’t know what fascism is. They are a gang made up of people who are either ignorant, stupid, losers, drug-impaired, or maybe all of the above, who have been convinced their rioting and destructio­n can lead to positive results.

Maybe what is more troubling than groups like Antifa — they could be “discourage­d” if the will to do so was there — is how the Democratic party has reacted (or not reacted) to what’s going on. As of this writing, NONE of the Democrats seeking the nomination to run for president have publicly condemned Antifa. Has their hate for Trump and their political aspiration­s become so consuming as to move them further and further to the left, to the point where they will tolerate the globalist movement, and everything that goes with it? Decide for yourself, but… GENE LEMON Yuma

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