Yuma Sun



• Trump’s refusal to show his tax returns was fasttracke­d to the Supreme Court. The way the Constituti­on was written in 1787, a president can’t be indicted even if he shoots someone on the street. It turns out the Colonists rebelled against George III because he didn’t have enough authority.

• The Wall Street Journal reported a new poll which found that two-thirds of Americans believe that the attempt to impeach President Trump has led the country once again to the verge of civil war. That’s a really crazy conclusion to draw. We lack the manners and congeniali­ty of the Civil War.

• The Justice Department launched a criminal probe into the Deep State sabotage of the Trump campaign in 2016 that hatched the Russian collusion hoax. House Democrats are outraged by the grand jury probe. They say, for crying out loud, investigat­ing somebody in secret violates due process.

Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood and a speaker. His email address is argus@argushamil­ton.com.

The hit song from the British rock band, Queen, from the 80s,”Another one hits the dust” would have been an appropriat­e tune to be playing for the wake up call to the space station this morning wouldn’t ya think? I don’t know about anyone else, but right now I am one proud American. As Mr. Rogers would say, “it’s going to be a beautiful day.”

I guess, depending on what religion you practice, one could say it’s a good day for the world. But reality is reality. Al Baghdadi is just one of many evil, Islamic radicals whose only goal in life is to kill the infidels of the world. Number one being Americans.

In June, of 2006, I did a phone interview with a reporter from the Sun who wanted to know what we at the American Legion thought of the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaida. I told the reporter that basically, his death will have less an effect as a decisive blow to the insurgents, as a morale booster to the troops, knowing that they have achieved a very important goal. A big “attaboy for the good guys.” I also told the reporter that I didn’t think it would change anything.

Nothing changed when we captured Saddam in December of 2003 before Zarqawi, and certainly nothing changed when we did the raid that took out Osama bin Laden.

As we all know, the killing of our troops is still going on 18 years later, now in 2019. The thing that bothers me the most is that the President and his advisors did not want to confide in the Democratic Congress for the fear of leaks that would imperil the mission, and put people in harm’s way. What an unfortunat­e, sad stigma for an American Elected Congress to have. Not to be trusted.

Our way or the highway. There is nothing more important in these

United States than the safety of the Citizens of these United States. The last time I looked, that’s one of the reasons we elect the leaders of America for.

A safe America, should mean the same in Democratic, or Republican lingo. Thank you Mr. President for what you do.

I have an idea for our local Yuma Republican­s! Why can’t we get together on Main Street or a local Park, like the Democrats recently

While we observe the continued drum beat of impeachmen­t, the vilificati­on of our time honored traditions and institutio­ns and the assault on Constituti­onal principles, it is incumbent on each and every American to remember the struggles and sacrifices of The Founders. The Declaratio­n of Independen­ce is a stark reminder of the inherent responsibi­lities as citizens of our Representa­tive Republic.

“And for the support of this Declaratio­n, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

Congressio­nal anarchy is a poor substitute for doing the work of the People.

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